How am I doing?

<p>Hi, I'm a junior in high school and Cornell is one of the colleges I am considering applying to next year. How am I doing in terms of academic standing?</p>

<p>GPA: 3.8 (unweighted, predicted to be 3.9 after this year)
SAT - 2250 JAN, took MAR SAT, scores are coming out April 1st but expecting a 2300~
Took challenging classes,
APS (score)
Sophomore - AP US History (4), AP Calculus BC (5), AP Chemistry (5)
Junior - AP Macro/Microeconomics, AP World, AP English Language
Senior (will take) - AP Art History, AP English Literature, AP Statistics, AP Biology, AP Physics, AP Japanese</p>

Asian American Club/secretary, and most likely will be elected as co-president next year.
Badminton Club/president, junior + senior year
Dance Club/member, running for VP next year
The Tower (Student Newspaper)/graphic artist
Numina Gallery/putting out artwork for show
Japanese Club, leader + founder, since sophomore year</p>

<p>Sport: JV Softball, since sophomore year</p>

sophomore year - member of Princeton High School Cancer Association; member of 101 PHS Scholarship Fund
junior year - leader of 101 PHS Fund; volunteering at hospital (3 hrs/week)</p>

Art - drawing and painting at an advanced level at a professional studio</p>

Art competitions - One 1st Place county awards, two 2nd Place state awards, and one honorable mention, school magazine "artist of the month" competition
Winner of NJ Business Idea Competition
member of National Japanese Honor Society</p>

<p>In the summer, I took classes mostly - before freshman year, ALGEBRA 2 for-credit; before sophomore year, CTY John Hopkins (chemistry camp) - and this year (junior summer) I am getting an internship at a business in NYC.</p>


<p>NO SHOT. just kidding, you should probably apply to all the ivies, you never know. You should get into at least one of them, remember safe schools too.</p>

<p>hahah, I’m thinking about applying to Cornell, UPenn, and Columbia as reach schools, but not at all confident in my chances of being admitted. In addition I’m looking at NYU, Washington U St Louis, and UCLA. Are those good match schools for me? Rutgers is my safety.</p>

<p>^I’d say they are, but make sure you have at least one safety you know you’ll get in and that you know you can afford. (NYU is freaking expensive and the California Schools are getting hit hard from the economy…)</p>

<p>Anyway, I’m glad I’m not competing against you, good luck.</p>

<p>I’m friends with a few Cornell sophomores from Princeton High School. Anyways…</p>

<p>Your stats are quite excellent. Good GPA from a great high school, very high SATs, strong APs and a lot of leadership with extracurriculars. You’re definitely qualified (and probably overqualified) to attend Cornell. Among the people I know at Cornell, those are definitely above-average stats. </p>

<p>College admissions works in a weird, probabilistic way though as selective colleges only admit 1 in 5 or 1 in 10 applicants. So its hard to be CERTAIN of admission, but if you apply to a bunch of schools and take the most promising offer, you’ll probably do well. </p>

<p>I think you’re being very modest with your “reach” schools. </p>

<p>Assuming you’re trying to maximize selectivity of school that you attend, I’d recommend something along the lines of:</p>

<p>3-4 Top top tier schools (~10% admittance)
3-4 Highly selective schools (~20% admittance) (Like the “reach” schools you mentioned)
1-2 Safety schools (just in case)</p>

<p>Summary: You’re definite qualified to get into Cornell and better schools. Set your sights higher and apply to large number of schools and take the best offer.</p>



<p>No. Don’t take the best offer. Go to the school that offers you the best ‘fit’.</p>

<p>I don’t see a “theme”, academically or extracurricularly. For example, the “Dancing Engineer” or the “Musical Swimmer”. To which college at Cornell will you be applying, and why?</p>

<p>You’re also going to need more “match” schools. Think small: Hamilton, Lehigh, etc.</p>

<p>your chances will go slightly higher if you take a full IB diploma…it’s a fact that i know from a person who got a B.A. from Yale and graduated from Harvard law…although AP is challenging enough, a full diploma program shows that you have the spirit and capabiity to survive two years of hell (literally)…a friend of mine actually considered taking her own life (i’m NOT kidding)…cornell might appreciate the knowledge that your not a person who would kill yourself if you finished IB…(hey don’t get mad at me CC-ers, i know it’s just a crazy cornell myth :P</p>