how am i supposed to get into my dorm?

<p>We got there at about 7:30AM Sunday, and breezed lines! Later, it was very well organized by NYU, but there were long lines, and the helpful carts were difficult to find. People walked up with their stuff (puff, puff!), rather than wait for cart/elevator, and even the stairwell line was not short. Once you left the building (e.g., for coffee) you had to wait awhile just to get back in, even if you weren't moving in any more! Early was best!</p>

<p>We, too, arrived early,though we were advised by housing to arrive in the later part of the day. By 9:30 the line was wrapped around the building and the wait was long to get in. By 10 am we had d's room completely set up. We had the rest of the day to spend with her and it made for a much less stressful day. GO EARLY, no matter when they say they open. (guess this is really advice for next year since we're all moved in!)</p>