How are my chances to an Ivy?

<p>haha, i said that to a girl one, and i told her she should try a third world college
she got mad, imed me asking which one...
hehe that was hilarious, they tend to have absolutly no sense of humor</p>

<p>hahahahahahha. funny that IIT is probably the most selective college in the world.</p>

<p>iit? as in illinois institute of tech?</p>

<p>no by iit i mean the india institute of technology, an0nym0u5 ur thinking of ITT tech... iit rather is THE most selective college in the world... with less than 3% being accepted</p>

<p>thats because of the HUGE population of india...</p>

<p>yes it is, good math. they study hardcore over there. us americans wouldnt last a second.</p>

<p>cujoe- no, i said IIT and i meant it.</p>

<p>my uncle went to IIT and he said that it actually wasn't that hard</p>

<p>He said the hardest part was getting in, and after that the classes were difficult, but not anything he couldn't handle</p>

<p>quite frankly i dont have much of a desire to go to an ivy (apart from Yale which has a good theater program) -- i just wanted to see if i would even be considered a possible candidate for an ivy</p>

<p>my SAT scores were fairly lower than what i expected, which can happen on the first one and.... 4 hours of testing is brutal i must add (i have a feeling I did better on the May one...we'll know soon)</p>

<p>thanks for all ur input -- even if it got somewhat condescending :-&lt;/p>

<p>yes... but those students prolly burn out young....</p>

i beg to differ, anyone who can get into iit can easily get into any of the top us schools, their admission process is insane, instead of apps, you do problem sets etc..."</p>

<p>Wrong. If Harvard wanted to have a class full of pure geniuses and nothing else, they could certainly raise their SAT median quite a bit. They are looking for more than pure brainpower in most candidates (unless the person is a true prodigy).</p>

<p>Uncle : "the hardest part of IIT was getting in.."</p>

<p>Me: "Oh"</p>

<p>Uncle: "I studied the most when I was in 11th and 12th grade.."</p>

<p>dudes please i seriously don't know how the GPA can be 98.5 . I thought the highest it could be is around 5.0</p>

<p>the GPA is probably out of 100, not a scale</p>

<p>"What are my chances to an Ivy?"</p>

<p>That already tells me you're someone I wouldn't like.</p>

<p>Stop trying to figure out the most so-called "prestigious" where you can get in. Find a school you genuinely love and apply there.</p>

<p>That's one of the many reasons I decided to go to Brown -- the majority of the students aren't stuck up Ivy league pricks.</p>

<p>what pete...choose a school b/c you actually like it....that's crazy
i might have to look into that....</p>

<p>Last time I checked, Brown is part of the Ivy League.</p>

<p>He's not a prick, he's just asian.</p>

<p>(at least at heart)</p>

<p>You can't always just think about what you love in colleges- the whole point of the prestige is to get a more secure hold on your future. Don't judge others just because they're looking to get to the top- we all have our reasons for trying, and the fact that we do implies that we look to the stars, not that we're pricks.</p>

<p>The first and foremost purpose of colleges is to educate.</p>

<p>Enjoying it is a luxury.</p>

<p>man, u seriously ****ed me off with your last comment... u dumb fool, dont go to Brown, thats al;l i have to say. go off to harvard, my fried visited Tufts, saw Harvard and thought he was in "Chinatown". i might feel at home there. second, a school doesnt make you, it ADDS to you, and obviously u need more than four year to become a real contributing member of our - no, any- society...get a life and figure out whats important.</p>

<p>Man... though you were the one to say "calm down, man"... jeez
And who tried to **** me off first?</p>