How are the dorms at Riverside and/or Lakeside?

<p>Hello! I am a incoming freshman looking for a one bedroom suite in either Riverside or Lakeside. How are the dorms in these residence halls? Which one should I choose?</p>

<p>My DS will be starting at UA in the fall. We have no idea which dorm would be best for him. We have our Room Selection date as April 4 @ 8pm. Next Monday is the local South Florida UA reception, and we plan to corner our local representative for answers. Any suggestions?
He might be interested in a Fraternity but we still haven’t, or should I say, he still hasn’t got any idea if he would like greek life or not so this may not be a factor in his dorm selection.</p>

<p>They are very similar and close to each other… My son is also looking at these dorms and plans to join a fraternity… Look under housing for photos and floor plans and info…</p>

<p>Just remember that Riverside and Lakeside will not be Honors Housing next year, so if you want to be in Honors Housing do not pick those residence houses.</p>

<p>Any rising honors seniors choosing Lakeside or Riverside next year, even though non honors?</p>

<p>I wonder how much the social change will be with these buildings going to non honors.</p>

<p>While the kids are no angels on my son’s floor, it is not an Animal House atmosphere, and I do wonder if he should consider moving to the honors dorms for the last year. But he’s been in his same room for three years, feels comfortable there, and I doubt he would want to make a change at this point.</p>

<p>Hello! I am a incoming freshman looking for a one bedroom suite in either Riverside or Lakeside. How are the dorms in these residence halls? Which one should I choose?</p>


<p>They both have the same floorplan. Riverside has the pool and activity rooms. Lakeside has the lake. I don’t remember if Lakeside has a game room or not. </p>

<p>Without a medical reason, it may be very hard to get a single room suite. Having a single room suite as a frosh could be lonely.</p>

<p>I know that most freshman move off campus after freshman year-at least the ones from here do… I don’t think the game room has much activity from a previous poster… </p>

<p>do the seniors pick rooms after the freshman or before?</p>

<p>Once you are selected to return to UA housing, room selection goes in order of class seniority, so incoming Seniors pick rooms first, then Juniors, then Sophomores, then all the incoming Freshman. I should add, tho, that those returning to their SAME rooms in their same (existing) dorms will actually pick first (obviously, so they get their rooms back!), regardless of their class designation.</p>

<p>FYI - not familiar with Lakeside. (Not taking honors housing into consideration.) If either student is in science/engineering I know that Riverside is slightly closer to the buildings for those classes. Also closer to the frat houses that are located on the fraternity lane.</p>

<p>Montegut, son does not plan to leave Riverside W for Ridgecrest honors next year. He’s a rising senior with a housing scholarship and is happy with his floor and his single apt. He likes the proximity to the Engineering buildings and does not think the honors designation makes much difference. He had nightmare suitemates his freshman year and he was in an honors dorm. It really all depends on the luck of the draw.</p>

<p>Agree, sophocles. Their floor is a very nice quiet floor, and I’m really hopeful all the rising seniors there will be able to stay put. They’re a closeknit bunch that study together, worship together, eat together, and yes, even sometimes play together. No glaring indications of vandalism on that floor, and housing would be lucky to have them return. We were shocked at the vandalism in the summer Ridgecrest building, which was supposedly an honors dorm, and I agree, sticking with honors is not a guarantee of a quiet floor. Luckily, like your son, they are all rising seniors, so housing would only have to give them one more year.</p>