Riverside vs Presidential Village

<p>Hi Everyone!</p>

<p>So me and three friends from my church group are going to Bama next year, and are going to be rooming together. However, because one of us missed the honors admission by one ACT point, we can’t room in honors housing.</p>

<p>We were looking at rooming in either Riverside or Presidential Village, and I couldn’t really tell online which one was closer to campus. Half of us will be engineering (CS) majors and the other half will be business. Is either any closer to campus and classes than the other?</p>

<p>Also, we were looking at the room pictures and it SEEMS like Presidential is nicer, but Riverside has a pool, which is fantastic.</p>

<p>So, basically, my question is of comparison. Which one should we pick? Is closeness a factor? Is one much nicer than any other?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance and ROLL TIDE!!</p>

<p>EDIT: Sorry should have included this, my registration time for housing is May 1st, at 7:30, will I be able to pick a room? I think this is early in the registration time, but I have no idea.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t pick Riverside because of the pool. That’s only really going to matter for a couple of months, and you can still use it if you’re in Presidential. </p>

<p>UA tends to close its outdoor pools in early October and reopens them in March. Riverside is more of a wading pool; if you want a pool with a waterslide and a lazy river, you’ll need to go to the Rec Center, which is a 10 minute walk from both Riverside and Presidential. </p>

<p>Presidential is newer than Riverside and has a slightly different layout. Riverside will be slightly closer to academic buildings, but not by much. </p>

<p>In terms of rooming with people you know, realize that people do change once they enter college. It’s highly recommended that you “branch out” and occasionally do activities and make friends without your roommates. This way, you get to better personalize your college experience and have a social life even if you end up no longer being close friends with some of your roommates.</p>

<p>Ha! I’ve never seen anyone IN that Riverside pool other than just sitting in a chaise lounge in the water! It really is that small and shallow. My S is in Riverside now (one year when it was still an Honors dorm and now this year as non-honors dorm) - he doesn’t notice any diff between the two years in that regard. Riverside cannot be beat for close access to eng’g classes. Keep in mind that Pres II is being built and will be brand-spanking new for fall 2014, and it will be non-honors (per previous post by Janine in UA Housing), and they are building (or will have built) a new rec center and dining hall up that way, so…toss a coin!? Since the cost is the same for all suites, go w/ Pres II, the newest and shiniest? </p>

<p>Riverside is much more conveniently located, and is closer to the engineering and business halls than Presidental. Presidential is definitely the least convenient dorm in terms of location-it’s literally on the edge of campus. However, they’re getting their own rec center and dining hall, which will be really nice and something to consider. Presidential is a nicer dorm too, but not significantly better than Riverside. The actual rooms themselves are the same, it’s really only the outside building and lobby areas that differ. Also note that Riverside’s pool isn’t a legit pool, it’s more like a little wading area with a couple of chairs. When it’s nice out, there might be a few people chilling by it, but it’s definitely not some main attraction or anything. Plus anybody can access it; it’s not just for Riverside residents. </p>

<p>Etufte252-You will be able to select your own room online. You have already been sent an e-mail with your log in information. Please check your crimson e-mail for that information. The entire room selection schedule is also on the housing web site.
As the others have noted, it’s really a matter of personal preference. The layouts of the suites are a little different; you can compare the floorplans online. Also, Riverside is a little closer to the Ferguson Center and the quad.</p>

<p>Alicia Browne</p>