How are the following programs at Alabama?

<p>I’ve been accepted into the Honors Program but I’m trying to narrow down my choices. So, can anyone tell me on a scale of one to ten, how strong are the following programs?
Business economics
Political Science
Foreign language (specifically French and Spanish)</p>

<p>Thank you! :)</p>

<p>I know that the Spanish dept has excellent profs. SEA_Tide can probably tell you about French.</p>

<p>The B-school at Bama (Culverhouse) is very good.
<a href=“Home - The Culverhouse College of Business”>Home - The Culverhouse College of Business;

<p>Bama has a Tier 1 law school, so generally schools that have top law schools also have strong poly sci depts.</p>

<p>The psych dept is very good. The American Psychological Association has accredited the Clinical Training Program for the past 40 years, and the department intends to continue to hold the high standards associated with that accreditation. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>What exactly is a Tier 1 law school?</p>

<p>A top 50 law school is called Tier 1. </p>

<p>Bama is #29…Bama is tied with BC and Fordham.</p>

<p>Bama Law is above schools like UIUC, UWisc, UNC-CH, UC (hastings), Ohio State, and Wake Forest.</p>

<p>My daughter is double majoring in Spanish and Exercise Science. She has loved all of her courses and professors in the Spanish department. There are some great study abroad options for Spanish majors as well – so many that she is having a hard time deciding on one for the summer! She is also living in the Spanish house this year which is further opportunity for her to practice her speaking skills. It’s part of the housing department so covered by her scholarship.</p>

<p>UA has a very strong business school. Business and economics majors can double major in a foreign language. Friends of mine who take foreign language classes seem enjoy them.</p>

<p>It’s hard to do a ranking on a 1-10 scale as different people weight various aspects of the overall experience differently and thus come up with different rankings.</p>

<p>Can anybody speak for the A&S economics program?</p>

<p>My son is a double major in economics and political science, and he has truly enjoyed his studies at UA. Because he is in CBHP, he has had the chance to work with the same economics professor on a research project for three years. Perhaps I can have him respond to give you some additional information.</p>