How bad is a dining hall job? (Work study)

<p>I'm an incoming freshman, and I have work study (yay!). Normally at my school, first years can only work in the dining hall. However, my work study is slightly different and I have the option of tutoring disadvantaged kids in English instead. I would make 50c more an hour (9.50/hr instead of 9) and, to be honest, it sounds much more appealing and rewarding.</p>

<p>As a vegetarian since 6th grade, the idea of having to touch meat sort of horrifies me (I had to do it every day at work this summer, and I would rather not repeat that experience), and I'm not sure if I'd have to in the dining hall.</p>

<p>The only minus regarding the tutoring is I'd have to take a bus trip (I think it's 15-20 minutes each way) every time I worked. I'm not sure how inconvenient that would be, because I've heard college is crazy busy.
What job do you think I should take?</p>

<p>From my experience, food jobs are the worst.</p>

<p>If you are the vegetarian than stay away from burned meat and grease. You will inhale everything in the kitchen.</p>

<p>If feel horrible when I drive behind a canteen truck on the way to work.</p>

<p>I would take the tutoring job, personally. Dining hall jobs are generally, well, awful.</p>

<p>(And by the way, that’s a very short bus ride. I doubt it will significantly affect you.)</p>

<p>Actually, my D’s roommate loved her food job. She was the center of attention for a few hours on weekends and gave her friends a little extra. Most schools have some sort of vegetarian bar and are understanding about preferences. Maybe you could be assigned to that area.
But, honey, the tutoring is someting that can go on a first resume. Hands down, do it. It’s not much difference than the bus ride between schools in the consortium, right? Both of mine are doing something similar and love the work, adore the kids they help. For them, it’s timed to after-school for the young kids- so, after 3pm or so. Also a bus ride and they’ve never complained.</p>

<p>I didn’t mind working in the dining hall at all - I actually got to meet a lot of people, the staff were really nice, and in general it was sometimes kinda fun. The only kids who really complained were those who had never had jobs before and didn’t like actually having to do work. We always had the optin of working the salad bar, and that was where my vegetarian friend went.</p>

<p>That being said, I switched out this year for a tutoring position and while it’s harder, it’s a lot more rewarding. Considering that you’d also be paid extra, I’d say it’s a no-brainer - take the tutoring job if you think it’ll makie you happy, which it sounds like you do.</p>