How can i guarantee admissions to Binghamton University?

Would a 33 act guarantee me into the school? My gpa is a 3.5 weighted 3.0 unweighted and im trying to get into Harpur.
My stats are very weak bc i transferred to three different schools and im wondering if my act scores are above their 75th percentile will it almost guarantee acceptance? This test is pretty much my only shot at getting in

You can’t really guarantee acceptance, unfortunately, but you can do your best and hope it works out. There’s not much you can do at this point except try to raise your GPA.

American colleges usually do not have guarantees by scores. They practice holistic admissions, which means they try to create an interesting class from diverse applicants. Binghamton will take many high scoring students, but they also might choose a lower scoring student who plays the oboe or tennis well, or who has done some great volunteer work with homeless people or something, or who writes a really great essay that makes them seem like they would be great to have in a class discussion.