How competative are nursing programs to get into?

So I am applying early action to about 11 colleges (I am applying to Seton Hall, Rutgers New Brunswick/Camden, TCNJ, Ramapo, University of Delaware, Stockton, Catholic University, Quinnipiac, Scranton, Widener, and University of Vermont.), but I have gotten quite worried. It seems that every college I am applying to specifies somewhere on their website that their nursing program is very competitive to get into. So, I am starting to get worried that due to the high amounts of applicants for nursing that I will not be admitted into any nursing program.
My question is how hard are nursing programs to get into? Also, what do they specifically look for in admissions? Do I have a shot at nursing?
Info about me: I have a 3.77 unweighted GPA, and a 4.3-4.4 weighted. I have taken 7 AP classes and 10 honors courses throughout my high school career. I am also in the top 6% of my class and 1770 SATS (just re took them today, so hopefully those will go up)
I have been a part of a year round swim team for 7 years, been an assistant swim coach, gotten varsity for every year I was on my school swim team, swam on a summer swim team, had 2 summer jobs as a lifeguard, been a swim instructor for 2 years , drama club for 2 years, varsity choir for 3 years, jr. board for a charity, 200+ community service hours, organized my own fundraisers, spanish honors society, national honors society, national society of high school scholars, an anti drugs and alcohol club for 4 years , and have organized my own fundraisers for pediatric cancer research.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure you’ll get into at least some of your schools. If you’re really worried, apply to a few more safeties. My son was recently accepted to the nursing program at IUP (Indiana University of PA) with an 89 (B+) GPA, 1570 SAT, and 1 AP course. </p>

<p>have you been accepted anywhere yet?</p>

<p>I think you’ll get accepted to a bunch of places!! I thought the exact same thing when I was applying. I applied to 13 schools because I was afraid that I wouldn’t get in anywhere! But I have been accepted to 7 schools so far and only been rejected from two. I got into my two top schools and I don’t care where else I get in haha</p>

<p>In case you’re still worried, these are my stats :slight_smile:
3.65 GPA
1960 SAT
Essay: Great to apply to nursing schools
EC: Internship at a nationally recognized hospital, volunteering at nursing home every weekend, tutoring and mentoring kids :slight_smile: </p>

I think you will EASILY get into Seton Hall and Widener. I have a 3.5 GPA with 990 CR + M and got waitlisted at Seton Hall but accepted into nursing at Widener. Widener actually gave me a $92,000 scholarship too. Seton Hall is like #124 or something like that nationally & Widener is #175 I think. Both are great schools!!

It sounds like you live around me because I was going to apply to many of the same schools. I decided to not apply to Rutgers because I know I won’t get into the NB and Newark campuses for nursing. I don’t want to go to Camden, even though I could get in there. An admissions counselor from Scranton emailed me and said that they look for about a 1150 CR + M SAT score & a 3.3 GPA. TCNJ’s admissions counselor emailed me and said that average CR + M SAT score is about 1300, so I didn’t apply there either. I think UDel wants a 1200 but I would look at other threads to confirm that. A counselor from Quinnipiac also emailed me and said that they want around a 1200.

Are you looking into any other schools? I live in northern NJ and applied to a lot because of my low scores. Let me know if you want to know about the ones I was accepted to :slight_smile: