How difficult is it to double major here?

<p>The one thing I’m worried about at BU: at the freshman day, all of the upperclassmen representatives (at COM) were pursuing only single majors. Is it really difficult to get a double major – for example, in Journalism and International Relations as I’d like to do? Also, does this result in a dual degree?</p>

<p>Look up BUCOP. It's in the threads.</p>

<p>there are many threads on BUCOP. but no its not very difficult, it just takes some work. and yes. this is a dual degree. i know a lot of people who are doing COM and SMG so i'm sure COM and CAS isn't very different.</p>

<p>It depends on what colleges and majors are involved. Logistically, it is hard to combine a hard science or engineering major with... well, with anything, actually, but especially with an arts, education, or communications major, just because the scheduling gets really tricky. A major in the humanities is relatively easy to combine with business, health, or communications.</p>