How do I make my counselor let me take Ap bio ?

Okay, so I’m foreign and took Bio freshman year. Although it wasn’t honors, it was really hard compared to what is Honors Bio in the USA.

Is there a national curriculum in the country you’re from?
(what country?)
You’d need the official curriculum, and/or, at worst, the table of contents from your textbook(s), then translate it officially, and show it to your Biology teacher, to have a proof it’s sufficient preparation for AP Bio.

It’s from France. And yes, I have the table of contents of my old textbook, but do you think the conselor will buy it or would request proof that I learned this back home? (Like an email from the school I went to?)


You’re in luck, I mostly work with students from french-patterned schools. What grade were you in ? If you finished seconde, you have to take svt 3e AND svt 2e, remove things that relate to physical geography and earth science, present that separately for credit, and use the eduscol syllabi as they apply to honors bio. We’re you supposed to go in to S ?

No I came here after my 3e. That means that I took le Brevet :slight_smile:
Yes, I kinda noticed that earth science wasn’t gonna be useful! Haha because SVT is so much different over there!
Oh, and do you think the counselor would believe me? I mean any foreign person could simply claim to have learned certain subjects and present them to the school in order to get into higher classes. No?
Waiting for your reaponse


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What year are you in now?
What sciences and at what levels have you taken at your current HS and how did you do in them?
What Math courses have you taken at your current HS and how did you do in them?

if you are going to be a senior and have taken Honors Chem and honors PHysics and done well and do well in Math, then I don’t see the problem.

If you are going to be a junior and have only taken regular chem and got a C in it, I see the problem.

I’m going to be a senior. I took a hard bio class freshman year, i took regular chem my sophomore year and I am now taking Honors physics my junior year. I’ll be taking either calc honors or AB calc next year


Just take Calc BC. It’s way easier than the french baccalaureate S anyways. Basically AP ~ IB ~ French baccalaureate. That’s how you should view it.

I disagree: if you compare curricula (programmes) the French bac s (since the 2010reform) is wayyyyy easier than IB, and math S is easier . Spe math s is roughly 2/3 of bc, with bc including the beginning of math sup mpsi. Ib math hl covers what french students see in prepa.
Overall the French bac is harder than what most US students encounter because it’s comprehensive… but the math/science curriculum is less complete than parallel AP’s if they were all taken over 11-12th.
Svt is about 2/3of AP bio and 1/3 physical geography…
And OP doesn’t have a s bac , s/he mentioned 9th grade in France for bio.

Based on what you are taking (Honors Chem and Calc) that you should be prepared for AP Bio. I would have your parents talk to the GC about taking it.