<p>My friend is an African American female and has this mentality that just because she is black she'll get accepted anywhere. I don't agree. Can someone look at her stats and tell me if you agree with me or not?</p>
<p>GPA: 4.14, weighted 3.5 unweighted
Rank: Our school doesn't rank </p>
<p>SAT I
Math: 650
Reading: 630
Writing: 540
Total: 1820</p>
Chemistry: 650
Math I: unknown yet</p>
<p>Essays: I hate to admit it but they're pretty damn good.
President of Black Student Union
Vice President of Green Team
Team Captain of Relay for Life (earned $2000)
Organized a fashion show for MD Westie Rescue
Fullback on Rugby Team
National Honor Society
English Honor Society
Rho Kappa (Social Studies Honor Society)
Science Honor Society
President of Knitting for Humanity
Co-founder and Vice President of JSA chapter
Election Volunteer
Summer Job as a Camp Counselor from 2009-2013 </p>
<p>Teacher Recs: I think she said they were good
Counselor Rec: Her counselor loves her
Hook (if any):First generation college student, URM</p>
<p>State or Country:MD
School Type: Public school of 2000
Ethnicity: African American
Gender: Female
Other Factors: She's very passionate about neuroscience and pretty determined </p>
<p>She's applying to:
University of Maryland, College Park
UC Berkley
UC Los Angeles
Johns Hopkins
Tulane University
Pomona College
University of Michigan
George Washington
Siena College </p>
<p>Do you think she has a chance?</p>