How do the Critical Reading Sections of Kaplan test compare with College board's test

<p>I've been practicing with problems on Kaplans, and I typically get about 1 wrong on the sentence completion questions and 2-3 wrong on the passages, but when I take Princeton Review's tests, I usually get anywhere from 1-3 wrong in the sentence completion parts and around 3-5 wrong on the passage based questions, so altogether I get close to 7 more incorrect answers for PR than for Kaplan. This is for the normal 24 question sections btw. I'm wondering as to whether I am simply not good at PR's critical reading or if they are harder.</p>

<p>PR is just…weird. It’s nothing like the real test. I’m not sure if it’s “harder” but it’s just totally different. I stopped using PR after a couple of tests. I guess it’s still good practice?</p>

<p>I usually missed like 8 in PR…missed like half as much on the real test.</p>

<p>Kaplan: crapola. Too easy, inaccurate, and just plain garbage. Use only as a laaaast resort. (after CB and PR) </p>

<p>PR: Wicked different. I can ace a CB CR section fairly easily nowadays (760 CR SAT last year, 80 CR PSAT last year), but on PR I always got a heck of a lot wrong. My PR 11 tests book is now in closet somewhere never to be touched by human beings again.</p>

<p>I thought PR was a little weird…:). The questions didn’t seem like the typical ones on other tests, and they didn’t follow common formats.</p>

<p>Yeah I know. I freaked out after taking the first couple of PR tests…My scores were soo low. On every section.
I probably wont touch that book ever again (I have the 11 practice tests one too…)</p>

<p>So which books would you recommend, since Kaplan is also becoming a bit easy for me now, especially considering the length of the passages. I have a barron’s book, but I think I need some “normal” practice before working my way up to the hardcore stuff. Any suggestions as to which?</p>

<p>Have you done all of the CB stuff?
The 8 practice test from the BB was pretty much enough for me. Also those 2 practice tests from the CB that you can get online (PDFs).</p>

<p>I think 10 practice tests is enough unless you already did all of those…</p>

<p>Maybe the Online Course if you can afford it? I dont think it’s worth it for me…but if you have some extra bucks and REALLY want some more CB stuff…maybe you can think about it?</p>

<p>Really though, just make sure you understand why you’re missing questions. Go over ALL your old practice tests and understand the why the right answer is right and why you put a different answer.
If you’re missing alot of Sentence completions…almost everyone on CC seems to recommend Direct Hits Vol 1 and 2. I’m thinking of buying those myself for the Oct SAT next year…</p>

<p>But of course! the one study guide I haven’t picked up since 8th grade. I guess I should get started on it pretty soon, as I remember only skimming through parts and sections when studying it for the first time, if it can be called that. Of course, I’m still worried that the material isn’t going to be enough. Do you know of any way to improve passage based reading questions? I feel that my sentence completion skills are quite sufficient, and that most of the questions I miss are a result of my making time for the reading questions later on.</p>

<p>PR is pretty weird, I have to admit…but I took the course in the summer, and it raised my SAT scores by 190 points.</p>

<p>Haha well of course every CCers would have the BB =]
What was I thinking?</p>

<p>Anyways, everyone just tells me to do tons of practice tests for CR and find the strategy that works best for you. And find why you’re missing each questions, what answers they’re looking for…etc. Not much of a help on CR…worst section byyy far. I’m going to really crack down on CR in the summer :slight_smile: If anyone has any other advice, I’d be glad to hear it too! I know I’ll definitely need it later on…</p>

<p>I actually wouldn’t recommend the Barron’s Book. It’s just ridiculously inaccurate and probably won’t prepare you well for the real thing. It’ll also probably lower your confidence which believe it or not, is a big part of test taking. I would probably recommend PR 11 tests book if you have already completed the BB. </p>

<p>Oh and to answer your question, the Kaplan tests are garbage in my opinion. Though I did all of them, I dont think they helped much.</p>