How do your friends respond to your job?

<p>I've been working with my Godfather's construction company for about 3.5 years now. I work whenever I have time off because it helps me stay motivated, and the pay isn't bad either. But, my friends have been getting on me lately because of my job. They can't believe that I give up my vacations for work and are starting to view me differently.
Any of you guys have jobs? If so, what do you do? How do your friends view your work-habits?</p>

<p>Hmm, I don’t have a job, but I have friends that do, and the reason I don’t like it so much is that I worry they’ll overwork themselves. I go to a pretty intense school, though, so that may be considerably more warranted in my case than in yours.</p>

<p>I’ve had a job for 2.5+ years. I’m a cashier at a grocery store. It’s fun, but sometimes can be really stressful with long lines. >_<</p>

<p>My friends know me as one of the hardest working people in the class. Many of them have never had a job in their life. I can’t imagine going through most of my high school career without having a job. I would feel so lazy.</p>

<p>I work two hours on Saturday mornings, so it doesn’t really affect anything. All I do is go to my school and then sit there and tell a seventh grader “Do this problem. Now this problem. Rethink that one.” and maybe I have to explain the basic pre-algebra.</p>

<p>Nearly everyone I know has a job, at least during the summer. I work as a waiter (might change this year), but I really do not enjoy it because I work at a retirement formal dining hall, and there are so many impatient people! At least the other people that work there are cool.</p>

<p>Anyone else? btw, my school is one of the two most intense schools in my state.</p>

<p>My friends always ask me for change since I always have lots of $1 bills</p>

<p>All my friends actually work with the same company so we mostly just hang out at work. It’s convenient because they are all understanding of work schedules. I have no time outside of school and work so I unfortunately don’t have out of class friends.</p>

<p>I’d take working over vacation any day. I’m not the type of person that takes unprecedented breaks.</p>