How does Rolling Admission work in Texas A&M ?

I have just submitted my application to TAMU.
I have an automatic accept by 25% and 1420 SAT

However, I am applying to the Engineering school, so I am little concerned about my current SAT scores.

The question is, if I send my scores right now, will they start reviewing my application right away?
I am planning to take the October SAT and pretty sure I will score higher than my current score.

I really want to submit early, but I don’t want the admissions officers to review me without my OCT SAT scores.

Thank you

If you have academic admit scores now, they will admit you - that’s a good thing. If you wait and it is 85% full, then you have to compete for the last 15% of engineering majors in holistic review. You can update your file with higher scores even if you’ve been admitted - like for scholarships or honors programs -up until Dec 1st. I’d send your scores now - they only consider highest scores if you send multiple scores later, you have nothing to lose. You’ll either be admitted directly to the major (based on number of students already admitted to engineering) or be put in the review pool for holistic review which is usually done in January.

Maybe you know this, but rolling admissions here means you are admitted to the university, then you are admitted to ANY open major of your choice- engineering included. Engineering is only considered “open” in that sense up til 85% capacity, so the faster you apply the better your chances of getting in without having to compete in holistic review.

@AGmomx2 Thank you so much. I have no idea why I thought that TAMJU was rolling admissions.
I will be submitting my scores soon! Thanks alot