Academic Admit with Rolling Admissions

So, simple question, but if I am a Academic Admit, I don’t have to worry about the rolling admissions to the university? Right. And then also, if I was to go into Computer Science, then the college of engineering has a holistic review on admissions into the college?

Are you asking if timing isn’t a factor? Or qualifying for admission to the university? Academic admit gets you guaranteed admission to the university ONLY. Majors are filled on a rolling basis, so if you apply late & your major is full you will not get your major. Exceptions are majors in the College of Engineering. There are two cutoffs - one October 15 - that is the first wave of applicants that will be in holistic review for COE. Then the next wave is October16- December 1, for the remaining slots in COE. Majors are never guaranteed, just the admission to the university. There are no guarantees for majors being available, it is rolling admissions so should a ton of students apply early to COE and qualify, your chances go down. Last year, they actually deferred a few students on their decision for COE - the first time I’ve heard of deferred decision at this school - so nothing is guaranteed to go the same way it did the years prior. Yes, computer science is a degree in COE - so yes, you do have to go through holistic review. Should you not get accepted, you might consider MIS in College of Business (management side of CS).


Actually, Academic (and Auto) admits do need to worry about rolling admissions. You can have extremely good stats and be automatically admitted, but if a school is filled up because of rolling admissions (ie Mays), then you are out of luck.

For engineering, you don’t really have to worry about applying too early (because of that holistic review), but I would definitely recommend applying before the Early Action Deadline (Oct 15).

By what date should you apply if an out of state Academic Admit hoping for Mays?

@Meant2B I think anyone hoping for Mays needs to get it in ASAP.

OOS and instate are processed at the same time - there isn’t a quota or any limits at this school. It is tough to say when it will be full since the applications are being taken one month earlier, I’d guess Sept/Oct ? I wouldn’t wait too long before applying. No matter what timeframe people guess, once it is full, it is game over. They do not open up slots later - the upfront admissions include a percentage that will not accept their offers, so there is no wait-list. School is out for Texans, so I would guess that more people will apply earlier since they will have a good 6 weeks of parental nagging before school is in session this year :smiley:

Thanks @AggieMom22 and @AGmomx2 ! Full time summer job will be done end of the month, so August is all about applications and parental nagging!

Also, once you receive your acceptance, you have 30 days to apply for guaranteed priority housing. So, for auto/academic admits, the earlier you get your app in, the earlier you get your acceptance, the earlier you can complete the housing application.

This housing application date is important if you want Hullabaloo or the next most popular style, the modular dorms. The date and time your student will be assigned for housing selection is based on the housing application date stamp. If the student knows they want their major’s living leaning programs (LLP) it is not quite as competitive but to be on the safe side, it is still prudent to do it within the first 30 days of acceptance. If you wait longer than 30 days after acceptance, you are no longer guaranteed priority and you will be assigned a time “after” all of the priority students have selected.

There is a whole lot of info on the room selection, roommate selection, etc. Housing Priority for Freshmen and Roommates and Room Selection and Roommates are good at explaining the process, as is the flyer contained in the latter.

@Thelma2 I’m not familiar with the residence halls at TAMU, so could you give a breakdown of what the nice ones are and why?

^sorry, i meant to say housing options instead of residence halls

Here is the TAMU page that explains all of the halls. Hullabaloo is the newest one and the only one with an elevator. It is also at the top of the pricing tier. Hullabaloo fills quickly and usually by the auto/academic admits.

A lot of students choose their dorm based on affordability. Hullabaloo for example, is $3939 Per Semester for a double room (2 person room). That is $7878 per year for housing alone. Meal Plan is additional, as is parking (you will want to apply for your parking space the day it opens, if you plan on bringing a car), sports pass (recommended if you want to go to football games),, You will want to purchase this asap after admission, as they are not unlimited and do run out.
Here is another link that breaks down the dorms, using a table in which to look at your desired type, once you have read about them. This list pretty much lists them popularity. At the top of this page, under Legends, you can click on Northside, Southside or Westside, to see which dorms/apartments are located.

The Modular style dorms and The Commons dorms are the next popular style. The Commons dorms had major construction the last two years with their dining hall, mail room, mini mart and just opened late last spring. The commons has also undergone some updates to the interiors.

Meal plans. The default meal plan for incoming freshman is Block 125, which is 125 meals per semester at the dining halls and a certain number of dining dollars to use at campus restaurants.

TAMU has two off campus housing options. White Creek Apartments and The Gardens. Read up on them in the third link above for rates. White Creek is West Campus and you will need a bike or ride the shuttle to campus. You could walk, but it is a long one and crossing Wellborn Rd is crazy. The tunnel that goes under it is over by Kyle Field, so that may take you way out of the way. The Gardens is northeast of campus. Not a terrible walk, skateboard, or bike ride, and you could catch the shuttle as well.

All of that said, you may want to live in your major’s Living Learning Program, which for engineering, is in the Commons. Last year, it was Mosher. For this fall, I believe it is Mosher, Krueger and Aston.

Once an applicant is accepted into the university they have 30 days to complete the housing application to be guaranteed on campus housing. If you are accepted to the Uni but are still waiting to hear on the major, you need to submit the housing application anyway. Your application is date stamped and this sets you up for when you are assigned a room selection date/time. If you end up choosing not to attend A&M, the housing application fee is not refundable ($50) but the Housing deposit is ($300).
Here is a link to how room selection is done.

Thanks @Thelma2, this is all very helpful!!