How easy is it to Change majors into a different College?

My brother was recently accepted into CSU’s College of Agricultural Science. However, he is still sort of undecided. How easy would it be for him to switch majors 1.) Within the college of agriculture 2.) Into a different college, for example economics in the college of liberal arts.

We’re just concerned that he might not be able to change majors/ colleges should he have a change of heart. Thank you!

I just logged on hoping to find the exact same info; I couldn’t find anything on the CSU site.

The major change process is fairly easy. All you need to do is go the registrar’s office, pick up a major change request form and meet with an advisor in the department you’re transferring into. I don’t know how hard it is to switch to a different college, but I know it’s easy to change majors within the college of liberal arts at least.

@portkey701 @drewdane There are some mostly filled up or “competitive majors” at Colorado State. If you want to transfer into these majors, then GPA will matter. It does not seem that economics is overcrowded, but some business majors seems to be oversubscribed slightly at Colorado State: