How hard is baruch college's BBA in Accounting

<p>I have been accepted to baruch as a transfer. My current school is a private community college. I didn’t have to work hard to get As here. It is a pretty easy school. I’ll be attending baruch soon and i heard its a hard school. How hard will I have to study to maintain a 3.5+ grade? I am an average student. </p>

<p>I’m in the same boat. Went to a CC for the first 2 years and easily maintained a 3.7 grade with minimum effort(I think I’m an above average student, but tend to be lazy sometimes). I’m really worried that I might not be able to survive the rigors of finance at Baruch.</p>

<p>It depends on the student. Accounting is a weed out major. Professors don’t tend to give high grades. However, with that said, accounting is akin to physics in one way: you will either get it easily or you won’t. For me, it came very easily. For a number of other kids, they had to work like dogs and still didn’t get the grades that I got. Thus, your answer is that “it depends on the student.”</p>

<p>The accounting program is pretty hectic. There are percentage rules regarding grading. Only 20% of the class can receive an A grade. The withdraw rate for a course such as Cost Accounting is higher than 50% according to my professor. You can only register for a course three times and you must maintain a 2.5 average among all of your accounting courses to graduate with a BBA in Accounting at Baruch. I was so excited coming to Baruch but with all the politics of the department it really is a disappointment.</p>

<p>My initial excitement went down dramatically after seeing how the school is run, their registration policy not to mention the lack of any live phone support at ANY of their departments. I can never get a live person on the phone to answer the simplest of questions (be it transfer services, financial aid, bursar or even the general admission line). My CC had a much better/organized system than Baruch. I’m actually having second thoughts about attending Baruch this fall. seems like it’s so hyped up for nothing :(</p>

<p>NYCguy2020, I wouldn’t let the lack of personal attention from administrators dissuade you. That is akin to disliking a school because of a lousy tour guide. Baruch is fine and has some great, well-known faculty. The administration at most schools, especially very big schools , tend to be mediocre at best. This is true for most state schools too. Don’t expect the same nurturing and hand holding that you got at your CC. It isn’t going to happen anywhere.</p>