<p>I can do well on multiple choices, but free responses scare me. It is difficult for me to recall information. Are questions really specific or general? How generous is the curve?</p>
<p>its really easy, only 70% to get 5</p>
<p>I'll probably get a 1.</p>
<p>ill get a 2 LOL</p>
<p>We took the 2 most recent released tests...
test 1, I got 82/100
test 2...I got like 71/100?
I'm really hoping I can get near a 90 so that I won't have to rely on FRQ</p>
<p>An average of about 110 on the MC requires 4 3's on the essays to get a 5. I'm assuming that if you're averaging around a 90 you'll need to get 4 5's on the essays.</p>
<p>This is out of 9 for essays, though. I'm sure you'll do fine.</p>
<p>I'm pretty sure I'll get a 1 also...I don't really care</p>
<p>I want a 5.. I've taken nooooo practice tests yet.. but relying on the powah, of CLIFFS!!!!!</p>
<p>Guys.. someone please shade my eyes quickly, its entrancing aural glow is causing massive brain haemorrhages and glacoma!! ..... not a pretty sight a know.. its like an insect being drawn into a light..</p>
<p>Yep.. Cliff is godly =P So how many people are using this book to cram with? I've lost count XD</p>
<p>And noooooo >.< I fell asleep studying again.. doh! 11 pm... Time to continue where I left off... oy...</p>
<p>Oh and for the essays.. my sis told me to just blurt out everything you can think of that relates to the topic... and any terms you can think of... Since they only check for key points and stuff. Ahhh.. I don't know. I just woke up -.-</p>
<p>are the phyla for all the kingdoms necessary?</p>
<p>Umm.. If anything, study the animal phyla. I think you just need to familiarize yourself with their characteristics... There'll probably be questions like "which of the following are deuterstomes" or something like that where you gotta differentiate.</p>
<p>I'm using a combination of Cliffs and Barron...</p>
<p>Animal Phlya:</p>
echinodermata --> deuterosome
chordata --> deuterosome</p>
<p>Cliffs Here</p>
<p>Are there ever any questions on like protista phyla, or algae phyla? or even diff's between archaebacteria and eubacteria?</p>
<p>i hope not</p>
<p>it's really not as bad as it seems. last year, flowers and mosses / sporangia were all over the free response! just about killed myself when I saw that - I was hoping for something on how muscles worked or something related to OUR bodies, but it really wasn't that bad. I can't tell whether I got a lot of points on the mc's or not because they don't give you separate scores, but just WRITE SOMETHING DOWN on the free response. they don't penalize you for wrong info - they only give points for things they're looking for. On my plants question, I wrote about the most obvious things, such as the how the petal attracted bees, the seeds let them reproduce, pollen, sepal, etc etc, and I managed to get a five.</p>
<p>haha for the animalia one, my friends and i made up this pneumonic: PCP never ruins me and also encourages crack haha...</p>
<p>i took bio last year, and i thought the frqs were incredibly easy..pulled off a 5...honestly, if you've worked hard over the year, i wouldnt worry at all</p>
<p>to correct the earlier post, a 61% is all you need for a 5 109 out of 150 for the raw score. this test (along with chem) has the lowest curve continuously. don't even worry guys</p>