How hard is it to get into UCLA theatre school?

<p>I want to double major in theatre and psychology but in the application they only consider one major. So should I apply as a psych major first and then try to get in the theatre program later?</p>

<p>You really need to study the UCLA theater department’s words on their website with great care, and then phone them for answers. </p>

<p>Two years ago, it seemed to me that their program would not allow you to declare a theater major until junior year, and then only by audition. Their policies were in flux at that time. </p>

<p>Make no assumptions, and call up the departments by phone if necessary to pin this down.</p>

<p>You want to know the policies of the department in order to make your decision. The major you check off can be very important to your acceptance. Get careful advice right from UCLA on this. Ask if you’ll be able to double major; how competitive is the audition process for the theater department; which courses might help you during freshman and sophomore year if you hope to enter the theater department…</p>

<p>I’m betting you’ll end up saying (for now) you’re a psychology major, but you want to have the complete picture beforehand of what to expect. If you’d only be happy as a double major with theater/psych, then maybe UCLA won’t let you do both, or can’t guarantee you’d be accepted into their theater program. Find out.</p>

<p>As to your opening question, I understand it’s extremely competitive/plum/hard to get into UCLA’s theater department. Some other UC’s might be more approachable for theater.</p>

<p>I can’t answer the double major at UCLA but I want to make sure one thing is clear…you must audition to be admitted as a freshman at UCLA for Acting or for Musical Theater in their BA Theater program. It is very hard to get in. If you want the theater program, I would not enter in another major with the hopes of transferring into the theater program when others entered it as freshmen by audition. I am positive about this as not only is it on their website but my niece auditioned for the theater program as a freshman applicant two years ago.</p>

<p>This reply is a little late, but I will still answer…</p>

<p>“I want to double major in theatre and psychology but in the application they only consider one major.”</p>

<p>I’m a student at UCLA majoring in Theater, with an emphasis in Acting (so I had to go through the whole audition/interview process).</p>

<p>To basically answer your question, you CAN NOT double major if you are a theater major at UCLA. They will not allow it and they make that clear when you are admitted into the program, for it is very intense. You can, however, minor in psychology. They will let you minor. </p>

<p>“…So should I apply as a psych major first and then try to get in the theatre program later?”</p>

<p>I would say no. The chances that you will be admitted into the theater program as a junior (they will only accept transfers at the junior level) are HIGHLY unlikely, for they only let a handful of people in as transfers.
For the Class of 2012 (which I am a part of), we were told that approx. 2,000 people applied for acting, musical theater, directing, design, theater studies, etc. Of the 2,000 theater applicants, approx. 80 people were accepted. That makes it a 4% acceptance rate. Of the ~80 people accepted, 63 people decided to come to UCLA. </p>

<p>I hope this helps!</p>

<p>I don’t know if anyone will read this, but in the chance that someone may in the future, today we went to UCLA auditions, and they gave some stats. They confirmed that you cannot double major if you are a theatre major. This is because of the cap that was placed on the number of units you can earn way back during the Viet Nam War. The cap was never taken off. You can, however, minor in another subject, including film (which seems like a logical minor for a theatre major) and I would assume psychology. If you are coming to UCLA as a freshman, you must be admitted into the theatre program as a freshman. </p>

<p>One very interesting fact, considering how academic UCLA, is was that the audition is 80% of the admission decision. This is the same as Carnegie Mellon, but more weight is given to the audition at UCLA than NYU. They stressed that talent was the key decision maker for them. I was very much surprised by this, given that UCLA is such an academic school. Moreover, he assured everyone that if an actor had a 3.0 GPA and was selected by the faculty as a result of their audition, they should be “fine.” This was amazing to me given that most UCLA students have 4.0 GPAs or higher. UCLA Theatre requires students to send in copies of their transcripts showing individual grades, and the faculty does look at grades in drama classes and English. They don’t care about math or science. </p>

<p>Each freshman class has 65 in it, of which approximately 1/2 are MT and 1/2 are Acting. They accept 30 junior transfers, of which approximately 1/2 are MT and 1/2 are Acting. They expect around 2300 to audition for those 95 spots.</p>

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<p>This reminds me somewhat of the recruiting process for student athletes at high end sports schools. My daughter was a student athlete at USC (now graduated). We found that athletic talent was weighted much heavier than academics at all of schools she considered. The coach found the athletes he/she wanted for the team, and assuming they met minimum academic requirements, they were admitted. (The applications even went into through a different channel). However, once there, you are still competing academically with a very smart student body. My daughter was fine because she had the academic credentials. But many of her friends struggled – having difficulty balancing their sports schedules and school work, becoming academically ineligible or ultimately transferring to a more manageable school. And in sports, they have a substantial infrastructure to help athletes with their academics. I don’t know that this would be the same with the theatre programs. On the other hand, many BFA programs have very limited requirements for GEs, so it may not be as much an issue, even at an academically rigorous school.</p>

<p>I’m transferring in…how hard is it to declare theater as my minor if I’ve not taken any acting classes from junior college?</p>

<p>I just saw this. It is not that difficult to do a minor at UCLA, even in Theatre. You just need to take the classes. My D knows lots of the minors. You should know, however, that not that many minors are cast in the shows. There are many great student run theatre groups that put on incredible shows all year round. These are cast by the theatre minors and majors and, from what my D tells me, some are quite good. </p>

<p>As for the major, this year UCLA halved the undergrad freshman admissions. The class is down to 30 (15 actors, 15 MT) and I believe this is the plan for the future. Moreover, only 2 were accepted as junior transfers. Auditions have remained the same, with as many as 800 or more going through the actually audition process. Budget cuts have required this. But for those already there, its exciting. Less competition. More prestige.</p>

<p>So can I declare my major as Psych, Anthropology, or International Business and minor in Musical Theater? Can you even do that?</p>

<p>is it more difficult to get accepted in the MT if ur not from california?</p>

<p>I am a Fall 2011 incoming freshman I was out of town during the audition process so I was forced to apply “Undeclared” when I have always been interested in the BA theatre program. So from all I read is it basically too late? They only accept juniors and the acceptance rate is like 4%?</p>

<p>Weill I’m a junior at high school I live in texas I’ll be graduating june of 2012
But I’m really interested in this school
But I hardly know anything !
I was wondering if anyone could msg me I want to know how hard are the auditions and the tuition, what percent is the acceptance rate for freshmans, and scholarships, F aid etc
Thanks in advance ;)</p>

<p>Interesting how this old thread just popped up.</p>

<p>AmberChantal – the chances of transferring into the UCLA BA theater program as an current UCLA student are very, very small. On our tours and all over the web site UCLA stresses that it’s nearly impossible. And I’m pretty sure they mean it. This is a program that allows you only to apply to the BA program and if you don’t get in, you are not even considered for admission to the University. Still, I guess it never hurts to go talk to the faculty, consider taking classes so you can minor in theater, try out for the productions. But more than likely, if you audition next year, they’ll want to start you at the beginning or they’ll encourage you to audition for junior year where you’d be accepted as a transfer. The overall admission rate to the program, with thousands of kids auditioning freshman year, is 6 percent, I think.</p>