<p>Similar to the UCLA one, I have the same question about USC...any numbers? grade point averages? Are the auditions more important than the grades? Any info would be much appreciated!</p>
<p>To be accepted to the SC School of Theatre a student must apply both to the university and the theatre school. Auditions are necessary. It is extremely competitive. Majors are: Acting, Design, Stage Management and Technical Direction. All those are BFA degrees. A BA is offered in Theatre.</p>
<p>A unique feature of the school is the collaboration among the schools of theatre, music and cinematic arts. </p>
<p>According to another post here about 26+ were accepted to yield a class of 25 in acting.
The 2008 profile for SC freshmen enrollees is posted on the USC website/admission profile. It can be accessed at [USC</a> - University of Southern California](<a href=“http://www.usc.edu%5DUSC”>http://www.usc.edu). Click on freshman admissions profile. </p>
<p>The phone number for the School of Theatre is: 213 821-2744 during business hours PT.</p>
<p>The School of the Theatre accepts BFA students giving the audition 80% of the weight and 20% to other information (tests, grades, recommendations, etc.) while BA students are accepted as other liberal arts students at USC are, using tests, grades, recommendations, etc.</p>
<p>My daughter is a freshman BFA -
Re: her class:
They accepted somewhere between 26 and 30 last year. As you know, USC doesn’t have a waitlist so they hope to yield a class of 20 from those accepted.</p>
<p>This year 24 took their spots (13 female 11 male) after the first semester 2 females transferred out of the BFA into the BA program, so now it’s 11 and 11.</p>
<p>The admissions counselor at this year’s auditions said the gpa average of my daughter’s freshman class was 3.8 - </p>
<p>I’ve asked my daughter to ask the SOT how many auditioned this year. Hope this helps!
PS – Hi Babar!</p>