How important is Junior/Senior year?

<p>I was wondering about my transcript and how it's going to look like for the admissions officer at UofM. My gpa weigted is a 3.83. My junior year overall is a 4.4 with two aps. Senior year I will be taking 5 aps and hopefully get a 5.0. I am applying early action and plan on sending my first tri of senior uear grades. Unfortunately my gpa is low due to my freshman and sophomore year grades. I think they were about a 3.5 overall. Will this big upward trend make me a better candidate or make me distinct/generic?</p>

<p>How is your uwGPA in 4.0 scale without freshman grades? Junior is the most important year as it may show an upward trend in case you were performing well in Sophomore. Senior grade would not be seen unless you do late application (UMich is rolling).</p>

<p>It’s a 3.72 without freshman year. Does UofM not use freshman year grades?</p>

<p>My D’s HS counselor said they don’t, however, UMich has changed their policy recently that they no longer recalculate GPA. So it is not clear. Anyway, if your uwGPA without freshman year is higher, that shows an upward trend which is good. Nevertheless, your GPA seems to be a bit low for UMich.</p>

<p>Ill be sending in my first trimester gpa of senior year and that should increase it significantly or enough to reach UofM standards.</p>