How important is the SAT for BS/MD?

<p>My question is once you cross 2200 does a higher score make much of a difference? I have volunteering, research, 3.929 unweighted gap with tough classes, etc but my sat score is a 2230. My parents and peers believe that this score is lacking esp. for competitive programs like this. </p>

<p>I feel that once people pass the min. Requirements for SAT AND GPA, these programs only look at essays as differentiating factors. What do you guys think?</p>

<p>Hey! I am going through the same problem. To be honest though, I would definitely not say that your SAT score is lacking. You have a really great GPA. I feel like as long you have some sort of speciality of what you did in high school, you have a good chance.</p>

<p>What BS/MD program are you guys looking at?</p>

Gannon University/Ross College of Medicine
Howard University</p>

<p>Just to name a few for me!</p>

<p>Ohh I’m really liking the Penn State UP/ Jefferson Medical College program</p>

<p>Penn State has an awesome program…6 years. It may be a lot of work, but definitely worth it!</p>

<p>According to Hernandez’ book your SAT is your raw intellectual horsepower. It also allows schools to compare vastly different high schools across the U.S. Some ivies would rather have a slightly lower g.p.a and perfect SAT’s which shows you were unchallenged or bored in high school. She worked as an admissions officer at Dartmouth before she made her millions.</p>

<p>Since these programs are at or just below ivy level SAT’s are important. (Brown’s combined is harder than the rest of the ivies since it is harder to get into than Harvard biology UG ). That is why SAT tutoring is so important and pays dividends by a factor of ten in acceptances, honors programs, merit scholarships etc.</p>

<p>For Penn State/Jeff program, SAT scores matter a lot in particular. They’ll take an applicant with a high score for interview over a applicant with lower score and slightly better EC’s. For Penn State/Jeff I would really try to get a 2300 to be safe. The program is excellent and quite the opposite of stressful. For other programs, a 2230 is good enough depending on the programs. It’s good enough for programs like RPI/Albany, Drexel/Drexel. The score is borderline for programs like Umiami HPM and Boston Med. It probably won’t cut if for top programs like Northwestern HPME/Brown PLME, etc. Assess which schools you’re aiming for and plan accordingly; if possible, I would retake the SAT and hit the 2250+ threshold at least. Score is not exactly viewed as crossing a threshold–a higher score even above 2200 will benefit you incrementally. Good luck!</p>