How in god's name does one study for the Literature SAT II?!!?!?!?!

<p>I've seen a sparse amount of online practice tests but they are few and far between and not exactly helping in terms of test prep. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW I'M GOING TO DO!</p>

<p>I've always been an excellent English student, and my SAT verbal score was 770 and my SAT writing score was 800. Even after doing the online prep, I have no idea how I will perform on this test and considering the lack of materials available to study with, I am VERY nervous. </p>

<p>Can anyone recommend any websites that I could use to review with? Is my SAT score any indication of how I will do on this test? PLEASE!!! This is very freaky material here.</p>

<p>Reading section on the SAT and the Literature SAT II are in no way similar. You need to remember all of the literary devices, be good at analyzing poetry and 80% of the passages are not from the 20th century, but range from the 1600's to the 1800's. Get a Kaplan book and read through what you need to know and take the practice tests. Its all you can do...hope this helped! GL!</p>