How in the hell do you pay for UM, OOS?

<p>I'd love to go to UM, but the $42,000 COA is kind of a turn off. If you get a merit scholarship from UM, can you "stack" scholarships from other sources, like FastWeb, local schools, etc...</p>

<p>But I think I'm a long shot for a scholly, but who knows.
GPA is 3.8UW, haven't taken the ACT/SAT yet, but I think(maybe with a little work) I can get at least a 32/2100. Rank is a about top 5-10%(closer to 10% though), estimated, school does not tell us the ranks, but I think they keep them for college to know. School only offers about 6 APs that you can take, and I'll take at least 5 of them. I'm an Eagle scout BTW and involved in a few clubs.</p>

<p>So how can I defray the cost a little bit?</p>

<p>well call fin aid and see what they say.... i mean anything is attainable but it depends on your situation.</p>

<p>Michigan gives out several merit scholarships, but typically, students who get those have ACT scores over 33 and SAT scores over 1500. That is not to say students with 32/2100 don't get merit scholarships, but it is not as common. Coming from Hawaii could actually help, since Michigan has very few Hawaiian students. Try your best to score a 33+ on the ACT and apply as early as possible...before November 1.</p>

<p>I'm not poor enough to get much FA, but I might get a little.</p>

<p>And I'm not living in Hawaii now:(, just born there. I'm in Ohio now, and don't really like any of the in-state schools here. </p>

<p>Thanks for the replies.</p>

<p>I've been wondering the same thing. They ought to have need-based financial aid!</p>

<p>I second all of the in-state schools in Ohio not being up to par. Everywhere I've applied has been OOS (and, therefore, unfortunately expensive).</p>

<p>ham, Michigan offers a great deal of need-based financial aid.</p>

<p>Yeah, I know SleepyAlligator, and we have like the third highest in-state tuition rates in the country.</p>

<p>I might go to University of Alabama, it would be cheaper with some of their merit scholarships. If you have a 3.5 1400/1600 SAT or 32 ACT, you get a full tuition scholly. I've got to work on my test scores a little, but it would be worth it. But they still offer pretty good scholarships if you don't make that standard. </p>

<p>I'm also looking at UMiami(FL). Right now I may qualify for their half-tuition scholly, but I may get a 3/4 tuition, but it may be a stretch and Miami's COA is 50k. I'm also looking at the Coast Guard and Naval academy. </p>

<p>But who knows. One thing I do know, I probably won't be going to school in Ohio. The only in state school I plan on applying to is Dayton, which is private, but my dad went there and may get a scholarship. Plus applying online at UD is free, so what the hell, nothing really to lose.</p>

<p>Holy crap! I got a 1530 and have a 4.0 so I may definitely have to look into 'Bama. Do you know how their engineering is?</p>

<p>I know, pretty sweet deal. Are you a NMF? They get complete full rides, + a stipend. Pretty sweet, and I'd personally probably like life down there, it's not as bad as people in the North make it sound. And their Honors dorms are sweet from what I hear, you get your own room, but basically share an apartment with 4 other people.</p>

<p>Here's just one thread on CC, where people say Engineering is one of their strongest majors.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Good luck, and are you a senior? You'd better hurry, there EA deadline might by Nov. 1, but I'm not positive. You also may be eligible for schollys in RD, but you may want to checks UA's website on that.</p>