How is Mary Burke Hall?

<p>Well, I am from Brazil and in four days I will move to University of Alabama, I couldn’t choose my dorm because there was a delay to me to get my account in myBama, so I was put on Mary Burke Hall. First (and actually, until now), I got scared because I really don’t like the idea of community showers.</p>

<p>So, my question is how is Burke? How is the Burke Dining? What services I get in this hall? How works a community shower (I will have to remove my clothes in my room, go to shower, and back to my room in a towel)? Is the wi-fi good? And well, any other information I could get from the Mary Burke Hall is welcome. </p>

<p>You must be in a 3-person suite, because the 4- and 5-person suites have bathrooms within them: <a href=“Burke - Housing and Residential Communities”>About - Housing and Residential Communities. You can wear a robe to/from the showers (wear flip-flops!) and then change back in your bedroom, or you can change in the shower area. Your choice. People do not generally walk around with just towels on. No one cares what people look like to/from the showers, after about a week of this! Buy a shower caddy - a plastic (usually) handled carrier which can hold all of your soaps and personal items to/from the shower area. Good luck!</p>

<p>Burke has one of the better dining halls. Community bathroom - you don’t have to clean it, or supply toilet paper. Don’t leave personal items like your toothbrush, soap etc. in the bathroom, they’ll be thrown away.
Are you female or male? The dorm was originally built for females only, so it should have individual toilet stalls and individual shower stalls, so you’ll have some privacy.</p>

<p>Son moved into Burke Hall West on Friday. I am very pleasantly surprised by the privacy available within the community bathrooms. Far more than I had years ago in my dorm’s community bathroom. Very nice, recently remodeled dining hall. Nice, large laundry room (saw Burke West’s). A good deal of closet storage, but of course your normal fairly small traditional 2-person rooms (the few suites are different and the beds are bunked in the 2-person suite rooms). P.S. The move-in crew was fantastic!! Welcome to UA!!</p>