How is the SAT Chemistry Subject Test?

To anyone that has taken the chem subject test, how would you rate it in terms of difficulty? Since I plan on a science major, I’m contemplating on taking the subject test. How would you compare it to the AP chem exam? Right now I’m in IB HL chemistry but the teacher isn’t the best (if you get me).

AP Chem questions are more designed to test one’s application abilities of the chem theories while SAT Chem’s questions test how well we know the facts & theories (basically you have to memorize facts though there are some application questions). SAT Chem is easier but then there are lots of info to memorize (you even have to know flame test colors!!!)

There may be additional stuff to study also. The new AP Chem curriculum omits many things including organic chem, nuclear chem, colligative props, phase changes, etc etc but then the SAT Chem keeps them. So there may be additional things to study.

If you are in year 2 (or going into year 2) for IB HL Chem then I think you’re good, but then make sure to review the content (I recommend using Barrons SAT Chem). There might be some content you haven’t encountered.

Oh okay, thank you! I’m not sure what I want to do yet. But flame colors ughhhh

I personally found sat chemistry much easier, but there were a few random facts that you wouldn’t expect to be on it. Also, there is no nuclear chemistry and little environmental/biology on the AP exam.