How likely is it to get admission revoked?

I got accepted as a transfer student. This online school thing is kicking my ass. There is a pass/fail option at my school, and a class where it is highly possible that I “fail.” How likely am I to lose admission from this?

I would email an admissions counselor or an advisor ASAP. Explain the situation to them and how switching to online classes does not reflect your abilities as a student. DO NOT mention if the professor is bad (if that is the case). It’s better to reach out to them and figure out what to do and how they’re handling situations like this due to coronavirus rather than wait and end up getting your admission revoked later on… I think you should be fine but I would definitely reach out.

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Agree with contacting admissions. I think it is OK to say you had trouble once the class moved online as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic – that was something nobody could have anticipated and you may be given additional leeway given the circumstances.

Also can you still withdraw from the class? Some schools have extended the deadlines to withdraw. (If you withdraw be sure it has no financial impact – ex. be sure the withdrawal won’t move you from full time to part time student status – that is something you’d have to discuss with your current school’s Financial Aid office in advance).

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