Transfer Student Admission Revoked?

<p>I'm currently a domestic transfer student at another UW school, and I was accepted to UW Madison on a "provision basis" in March. With my acceptance letter, came another letter stating that I should maintain a 3.0 GPA or admission "MAY" be revoked. Unfortunately, my GPA has dipped to a 2.86-but first semester I had a 3.73. Obviously, I'm taking much harder classes, and honestly got a little careless (believe me, I KNOW.). So I'm wondering if anyone has heard of Madison taking away admission, or what they do to people in my situation-Academic probation? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.
(I should also note that my Grandfather, Mother, and Father all went to UW Madison, my brother was accepted for both undergrad and grad school-but declined due to better offers, my mom is a psychologist that works for UW Madison, and we donate a lot of $$$ every year.)</p>

<p>I need to correct my grammar, "provisional basis"</p>

<p>i registered for SOAR today, and in the email they sent it said make sure to bring along my second semester transcripts so my advisor can make sure i met my provisions and then i can enroll for classes. im not sure if the advisor would just scold me and tell me how important grades are but still allow me to register...i havent found out my grades yet, but i think i should be ok...we'll see.</p>

<p>Donations and legacy staus won't mean anything if YOU don't do the work required to make it worth your while to attend UW. If you are unable to do the work to get good grades at your current college you may not be successful at UW- why should you waste time and money transfering only to do poorly? Upper level classes will be much harder at UW as well, you need a good foundation with courses taken. You need to prove you can handle the work- good grades are the way.</p>

I wasn't necessarily saying that our donations would help, but my family is very well-known and prominent in the Greater Madison Area, with a lot of connections within UW. I'm currently at UW Milwaukee, which, in many aspects is no lesser of a school. That is very unfair to say, it depends what you're studying and the classes you're taking. Not ALL of the classes at Madison are "harder". Milwaukee has the toughest Chemistry program in the state. Milwaukee doesn't offer a dietetics program-and I'm not about to go to a smaller school that is the same size as high school.
OBVIOUSLY, I worked my butt off first semester (and A in Calculus and Gen Chem) and will continue to at Madison-who says I'm going to do poorly there? There are a lot of factors about second semester that are personal-therefore I'm not listing them on here-that affected my GPA. By the way, I'm taking Calc II (the most failed class at UWM) and O-Chem...clearly. a BIT more challenging.</p>

<p>I didn't post on this board to get the whole "shame-on-you, you-should-have-worked-harder" speech, I think I know that by now, I'm asking for advice or if this has happened to someone or someone they know. So don't waste the energy in typing, if all you're going to do is shame me out of UW Madison.
Thanks for all your help.</p>

<p>Having a "prominent" Madison family doesn't matter to admissions- they may not even recognize the name. People in Madison aren't hung up on names et al- I'm from the area. Professors live all over, so do all of the others who work there.</p>

<p>I disagree on UWM chemistry- it can't compare to UW's, the grad labs undergrads can spend some time in do not even exist at UWM, etc. BTW- not all college courses are created equally, more material can be covered at one school compared to the other. Also the honors courses at UW offer much more. Regular calculus and organic aren't that tough. Got my degree in chemistry (Honors) so I have firsthand knowledge of how things go, the era doesn't change that. The peer group at UWM has much lower ACT scores and how a course is taught can make a difference in how easily the material is learned.</p>

<p>Learn that who YOU, not any family, is what counts. Also how much you learned in a class can affect a subsequent class. Fortunately UW is large enough you don't have to worry about being related to anyone, unless you sign up for a class within their dept. I'm sure you are a nice person- you came off arogant about family and defensive about UWM in this thread. You posted a lot of totally irrelevant information, I happen to know both chemistry and the area.</p>

<p>All of that mothering done- good luck. Study hard and enjoy.</p>


<p>I would recommend a phone call to the admissions office. My guess is that, based on your courses and GPA, you won't have a problem enrolling. However, it would be best to find out where you stand. The admissions office has always been very responsive to our family's questions during the process.</p>

<p>Good Luck,</p>


I still believe your judgement about classes is a bit skewed, however, I’ll continue to let you believe what you want to and I’ll do the same. I am not saying ALL college courses are created equally, so relax. I do believe you need to step down off of your high horse and realize that Calc II and O-Chem are not “basics” for most majors, nor do people take them as a freshmen. Besides, if you were in school when my parents were, sorry, but, things have changed- so the era matters…especially if you graduated in '75.
It was never my choice to go to UWM in the first place, but, I got accepted to Madison at the end of JULY last year and by then I was set to go to UWM…which is full of idiots by the way, and I’m only defending MY classes, the rest of the school is a joke.
I feel like I should almost apologize for being so “arrogant”, but if you only knew who my family was…
Anyway, all of this bickering is tiring, so. Good day, sir/ma’am. I’m sure you’ll have your fingers crossed for me.</p>

Thank you for your advice and suggestion. I’m definitely going to give the admissions office a call tomorrow morning and see if there’s anything else I can do for them to prove that I deserve official admission. Once again I want to thank you for being kind and not providing me with the “shame-on-you speech”. Hope all is well.</p>

<p>The era doesn’t matter. The UW Chemistry dept is keeping up- and keeps us informed with the annual Badger Chemist. The only people who take the math and chemistry do so for a reason, they aren’t survey courses to fill schedules. No “shame on you speech” by anyone- you sound defensive as if you are guilty of something. Hopefully you will get a fresh start.</p>