How long do you GUYS spend on your hair?

<p>Haha every morning, my mom yells at me because I spend too much time on my hair (like 10-15 mins). She says its too feminine for guys to spend so long haha like I have to straighten and wax it up. Heck, my application essay was about styling hair and hair wax.</p>

<p>do you spend as long as me on hair?
if you do. do you get yelled at also, or is it just me? T_T</p>

<p>When it was longer, I did straighten it occasionally. My mom also thought that was too feminine.</p>

<p>about 2 minutes, and I do have relatively long hair</p>

<p>0 minutes. I damp water on it.</p>

<p>1 min max. just gel and then i head to school.</p>

<p>0 minutes. I go to an all guys school so I don’t care what people think about my hair/appearance, plus I’m a zombie in the morning.</p>

<p>Is it possible to spend negative time? </p>

<p>Prolly zero minutes, since my hair manages to get wet purely on accident when I get in the shower. I don’t think I’ve ever voluntarily brushed/gel’ed it in my life (and involuntarily I’ve done that maybe once or twice).</p>

<p>Oh, if you include haircuts, those take maybe 5 minutes tops. Shaving your head isn’t very labor intensive, lol.</p>

<p>A few seconds? Grab the brush, run it through my hair. ^o^</p>

<p>hahaha well i’m gay and i spend zero time on my hair
well, that is unless it’s sticking up, and then i just damp it
but it’s only because i dont care about how i look for school lol</p>

<p>2-3 minutes for gelling and drying</p>

<p>0 minutes.</p>

<p>15 seconds.</p>

<p>anything over a minute for a guy, especially just for school is too long</p>

<p>If its cold outside i wake up, put on hoodie and jeans, brush teeth, and leave. no damping or brushing involved</p>

<p>if its warm outside, ill shower hair which flattens it. </p>

<p>during my emo phase 4 years ago i blow dried and straightened everyday. that was pretty weak</p>

<p>0 (zero).

<p>Around a minute, I just blowdry it, that’s it. I just don’t like wet hair on the way to school.</p>

<p>If I shower, then…0?</p>

<p>if I don’t, just like a minute.</p>

<p>wow. its surprising how guys on this forum actually spend time lol…i spend 5-10 min depending on how my hair is.</p>

<p>Minus the shower time? 0 Minutes, and I’m currently ranked #1 out of my 400 Facebook friends for “best hair” hahahaha ;)</p>

<p>No seriously, I’ve been compared to a “Greek olive picker” with my sexilicious locks.</p>

<p>Nothing except the minute or so spent washing it in the shower.</p>

<p>I finally started combing my hair this week!</p>