How long to get application acknowledgement?

<p>My son applied online on Sunday night and he has not yet received the e-mail with instructions for setting up mybama, next steps, etc. Should it take this long? It doesn’t really matter but we are impatient. :slight_smile: Although it’s not going to matter much if we can’t convince his school to send his transcript before September…for some reason they say they won’t send it over the summer.</p>

<p>For us, things went VERY quickly! Our son did the online application on Monday the 9th and by late Tuesday morning we had the email to set up his Mybama account. I am sorry that your school won’t send out his transcripts. We were lucky that our school actually mailed them out the Friday before he did the application. Once you get the Mybama account set up, you will be able to follow when everything gets put into the system. That part we LOVE! Have you had the scores sent yet?</p>

<p>Finally got the e-mail this afternoon! DS left yesterday for overnight camp (counselor) so I need to see if he wants me to set everything up. Yes, we sent the scores already, so it is just the transcript that is outstanding. Oh well, no urgent rush I guess (except that we are so impatient!). As of this second, DS says this is the only school he is applying to, so we may already be done with applications! :-)</p>

<p>Awesome! Glad you got it. I understand about not being patient, as we aren’t either. ;)</p>

<p>Grrrr - now the link to set up new accounts is broken (when you click on “forgot your password”, as the e-mail instructs, you get a page not found error). I called IT and the guy said “Yup, looks like the link is broken.” He couldn’t help me and said I just needed to wait and check back since there was no more he could do until I set up the mybama account. Bummer!!</p>

<p>At least you got the email – won’t help in this case, but I remember that we were able to get our daughter registered in mybama a day or two earlier than the email, by using the option to put in the SSAN – don’t remember exactly how we did it, but there is a way to do it before actually getting the email (as long as IT has already loaded the applicant)</p>

<p>Link still broken. :frowning: Both “forgot your password” and “need an account” go to the same place, and it still says “page not found”. Maybe I’ll call again if it’s not working later today - the guy I spoke with didn’t seem like he really knew what he was talking about…</p>

<p>Yay, it works now!! All done. :slight_smile: He will have plenty to explore when he gets home…</p>
