How many AP's should one take to get accepted to Virginia Tech? (Sophomore to Senior Year)

I’m aware that answers may vary from person to person, but I’m wondering what AP’s you took and had gotten accepted to Virginia Tech. What were your course loads?

I took the following:

AP Calc AB
AP Calc BC
AP Chemistry
AP World History
AP English Lang and Comp
AP Lit
AP Physics B

I got at least a 4 on the AP test on the first 5 of that list. I’m from NOVA, where it’s not unusual for someone to take 7 APs a year and people end up taking way more than they need.

every high school doesn’t necessarily have the same courses available. your best best is to ask people from you high school that were admitted.

How many APs is a great question. If your school offers a lot of APs (say 15 or more) top students will take 5 to 7 AP classes over the course of high school. Nationwide only a tiny fraction of students take 10 or more AP classes / tests. A lot depends on your high school and how competitive top students are. Many of those students taking 10 AP classes seem to post here. I think my D got carried away, she’s taking 10 AP classes five of them senior year and only one of them is easy. Generally speaking though if you can handle the workload you should pile them on to demonstrate academic rigor. D got a likely letter from William & Mary but we can’t speak to Virginia tech’s selectivity.

DS took AP Euro, AP Hist, AP Govt, AP EnvSci, AP Lit, AP Lang, AP Calc, AP Physics. Got B+/A- in all and got 3 or 4 on all except AP Lit (5). He applied University Studies was Deferred ED, then was wait listed RD as Biology, then offered admission into University Studies from the wait-list (In-state, not NOVA).

Son took AP English Language his junior year and is taking AP English Comp. and AP Calculus AP this year. These are the only three AP courses his school offers. He is taking AP Art History online. He was admitted ED to Architecture which I understand is very competitive. I think it really matters what your school offers.

S1 was accepted out of state into the engineering program with 1 AP class (calculus). YMMV

Thanks for all the replies!

@fourlegs‌ If you feel you will do well in an AP class and do well on the exam I would encourage you to take AP classes. One thing that VT is really good about is granting credit for doing well on the AP exams. I can’t speak to whether the decision will impact application though. My Son is RD and has 7 completed AP exams and taking 4 more this year as a senior. He is a good test taker so got 5’s on all but CalcusAB which he got a 4. If he is accepted into VT it will be something to consider because most likely he will start VT with the credits of a Sophomore. We are OOS so this possible cost savings is a consideration.

Viewing the replies it looks like it can impact Acceptance decision but maybe not. We looked at it more as an opportunity to earn some credit at the college before he started. Maybe this will allow an easier double major too.
Good Luck