<p>26/165 Nat. merit Semifinalist
17/165 National Achievement Semifinalist
Several Nat. Hispanic Semifinalists
Public school in Louisiana.... WE ROCK!</p>
<p>The neighborhood HS gets a NMSF every year or two (out of a class of 575-600). One year they had three -- but that was ten years ago.</p>
<p>Big 5A public in the Houston suburbs: During my d's senior year, 9 NMFs out of about 750 seniors. (3 of the 9 were from our tiny neighborhood!)</p>
<p>littlerockch 17/480ish</p>
<p>Well, our school varies enormously. Recently, we've had values like 7, 11, and 5 out of a class of about 1500 each. It's low, I know, but we have a layer of really smart people and a bottomless pit of...ummm...yeah.</p>
<p>Apparently about 4 or 5 out of about 180.</p>
<p>About 30 from a class of ~520</p>
<p>16 out of ~150.</p>
<p>...yeah. private school.</p>
<p>We had 21 out of about 220 kids in my class. </p>
<p>It's a public school. Is that weird?</p>
<p>Approx. 15-16% of my class.</p>
<p>38 in my class</p>
<p>My school had about 185 out of a class of 425.
Yeah, no lies. That's my thing.</p>
<p>6/744 semifinalists, which is unusual (we doubled last year's count).</p>
<p>4 out of ~130 seniors.</p>
<p>20 out of 220. I thought that was good.</p>
<p>7 out of a class of 500</p>
<p>3 out of 160</p>
<p>36 out of 1200</p>
<p>Wow I feel bad for my school district. Out of 4 public high schools and a couple private schools (probably 1500+ seniors), we had 2. Me and some person from a private Catholic school. And I thought my school was actually somewhat decent :(</p>
<p>38 out of 990 public high school</p>