How many % of students in UA get scholars?

I just want to know how many students do recieve UA or Presidential Scholars from UA.
It’s bit weird that UA’s act mid 50% comp is 22~31

I don’t know exactly but Alabama is touting that 40% of last years class had an AP test of 30 or higher so that gives you some idea.

This question comes up fairly often. Last year a few of us extrapolated that approximately half the freshman class was receiving some type of merit aid, the bulk of those likely being the automatic 1/3-, 1/2-, or full-tuition awards:

Since it’s widely anticipated that those full-tuition scholarships are to be a thing of the past beginning with the next class applying, it’s likely all the scholarship levels will be changed to fixed amounts. What’s not known yet is whether or not the cutoffs to qualify will also be raised. With any major change like this, I suppose it’s possible fewer students will accept the offers, affecting the overall percentage on scholarship of one sort or another. Time will tell.