How many times should I take the SAT?

<p>Money is not an issue. I'm tempted to take it, November, Jan., May or March, and probably October of 2011...</p>

<p>I heard taking it over 3 times its bad for you or something if colleges that dont use score choice see... but I'm just wondering.</p>

<p>Btw, I'll basically take the 4 times until I hit 2150-2200. So its not like I'm just taking it to see if I can randomly get a higher score.</p>

I’m not expert, but I tell what I will do:
*October SAT 2010 -first attempt < I don’t care about how much I will get 1500-1700 it doesn’t matter, because this score I won’t send to unidersity. So, I won’t be careful>
*December SAT 2010 -second attempt <very prudent.=“” because=“” i=“” will=“” need=“” 2000.=“”></very></p>

<p>Just take it when you’re ready. Do you feel like you would benefit from continually taking it?</p>

<p>Never listen to Suleyman95. :D</p>

<p>Most students take it 2 maybe 3 times.
I would suggest taking it November 2010, March/May 2011, and October 2011.
This way you’ll have 5-7 months per testing period so between each test you can significantly increase your score.</p>

<p>Hey, just a piece of advice :slight_smile: I did my first SAT in October 2009 and got 2120, second in December 2009 and got 2390, so don’t pay much attention to how much time there is between two consecutive SATs - instead pay more attention to how much you’ve prepped in that gap. I’d suggest not doing it consecutive months though unless the first time you lost out on your score cause you marked the answers or something.</p>

<p>Also, I just read something a couple days back about how you should probably not consider doing the SAT more than twice for Ivies and more than thrice for other colleges. I’m not sure how credible this is, but give it your best shot the first two times and if you STILL haven’t gotten your target score the second time, consider doing it a third time. If you’ve reached your target, then just stop there cause you never know how the next one can go :)</p>



<p>It’s your polite forms? Do you have a foster? Your parents should foster you not to be bold.</p>



<p>Actually, due to a hyperextension of a joint near my left forearm, a class-6 ticket will be issued to you for consideration aboard vessel-128. I will not be accompanying you, but a select group of multi-variable (gene-wise) ferns will. Tr…eat them with the consideration of solar use, but allow a fair amount of washcloth. A purple keyboard stored in your left shorts pocket allows access to the main cargo ball. Crayola crayons are legal aboard such areas and unfortunately, will be your only artisan tools for use when captivating the surroundings inside the vineyard. Spiderwiki psychodynamics will also ensure some sort of internal metabolism during your stay beside Carbon-14 radiators.</p>

<p>Until then, and my apologies.</p>

<p>where you was posting these message maybe you was under drugs…</p>


I concur; no rabbit escapes the fox that is calculative in its search for energy-boosting macromolecules used for biosynthesis instead of ATP, for if all food molecules are destined to be oxidized as fuel, raw materials would not be abundant enough to supply the fox’s cells with the mandatory particles required to perform glycolysis. You must learn from this fox and do what Agent Bald has to say, I must say his advice for a clear mind is crucial for OIL.</p>

<p>The fox would undergo foraging behavior and select a different prey with slower speed and better yield of macromolecules by the optimal foraging theory.</p>

i didn’t understand any of your post…what are you trying to say?</p>