<p>how many years should i spend in college to be a doctor ??
how many years (college)?
how many years (bachelor) ?
how many years (doctorate) ?
iam going to join medical school in canda</p>
<p>how many years should i spend in college to be a doctor ??</p>
<p>Total: 8-9
how many years (college)?</p>
<p>Undergrad typically takes 4-5 years, for any type of degree. Not only if you are looking to go on to med school</p>
<p>how many years (bachelor) ?</p>
<p>You will get your bachelors degree from going to collegeā¦</p>
<p>how many years (doctorate) ?</p>
<p>If by doctorate, you mean med school, then 4 more years, followed by a residency of 3-7 more years depending on your specialty.</p>
<p>You are welcome to pursue a masters or even a PhD prior to med school, but 8 is the bare basics.</p>
<p>Does Canada have the same requirements as the U.S.? </p>
<p>After medical school in the U.S., there is a residency for the specialty that can run up to six years or more.</p>