How much college credit awarded by SAT II Chinese?

<p>I recently got a 760 on the sat II Chinese. I want to apply to schools such as UPenn, HYPS, and Berkeley. How will this score give/affect my college credits I get at each of these schools? I didn't take the AP since my chinese reading is rather limited but on the SAT II's they seemed to focus more on listening and the questions were overall easier.</p>

<li>Colleges don’t give credit based on SATs. If you wanted College Credit, you should have taken the AP test.</li>

<p>TBH, if you are of Chinese descent and didn’t get an 800, that’ll actually hurt your application if that’s the only SAT 2 you took.</p>

<p>It fulfills your language requirements. And anonemuss should know that colleges know that we all make mistakes; no matter what.</p>

<p>Yes, but the SAT 2 is a joke, same with the AP Chinese exam.</p>

<p>i’m a fluent speaker anyways. And no i took other sat ii’s (physics, chem, and soon bio) and did really good. I was just wondering based on credit. And I’m really confused since apparently UC schools and UPenn according to their websites do something with the credit.</p>

<p>[Upenn</a> Chinese Program](<a href=“]Upenn”>Chinese Language Program – Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations)</p>

<p>[University</a> of California - Subject requirement](<a href=“University of California Counselors”>University of California Counselors)</p>

<p>Not sure about UPenn, but [University</a> of California - Berkeley](<a href=“University of California Counselors”>University of California Counselors)</p>

<p>Hi there! For language subject tests such as the Chinese and Japanese SAT II’s, getting a perfect score would only put you in the 80th or so percentile. But since you have other SAT II’s to send, you’ll be fine. </p>

<p>Colleges usually don’t award credit based on subject test performance, but most do to some extent based on AP performance. I don’t believe the UC’s award any credit for subject tests–they’re no longer required for admission, even. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Ya I’ll probably just start studying for the AP exam in order to get credit. Thanks for the input everyone!</p>