How much does Dartmouth weigh subject test scores?

<p>Title speaks for itself.</p>

<p>I have a feeling you want a specific answer from us. Is it something along the lines of, “No, SAT II’s don’t matter that much?”</p>

<p>equal to SAT’s…</p>

<p>They don’t count them much at all, 600’s are fine, they take the holistic approach!</p>

<p>Whoops, sorry, I’ve been reading the Brown board. Disregard:)</p>

<p>Ah, the Brown board. Last year I was called cruel over there when someone asked, “Can you get in with 680ish on each section of the SAT and a B+ average?” and I responded, quite truthfully, “Sure, if you are a recruited athlete.” (Kids I know, and all that…)</p>

<p>I remember them saying to aim for a 700 benchmark. However, that isn’t to say that having a 670 is going to kill you. Its like an SAT subject score i guess. It matters…but not too much.</p>

<p>Clearly, the high schooler knows what he’s talking about.</p>

<p>^^^wow, my mistake…i meant, “SAT section score” not “SAT subject score”</p>

<p>XYZ, it’s likely that the SATII average of accepted students is 750 plus.</p>

<p>…you might be right, but I’m just repeating what I read somewhere on a Dartmouth website.</p>

<p>The average is 750 plus, great…
I ask because I bombed one of subject tests and was wondering if that would completely ruin my chances.</p>

<p>XYZ, all of the schools say that this or that isn’t going to keep you out. </p>

<p>The problem is that hopeful kids put all this together. They have SATs or ACTs that are a tad low. Their GPA is a tad low. Their ECs are a tad weak. Their SATIIs are a tad low. Their class rank is just okay. </p>

<p>But hey, its okay! The Ad Comm says none of those things will keep you out! And I have GREAT essays!</p>

<p>The problem is that what the Ad Comm means is that none of those things BY ITSELF will keep you out. Start racking up a few, or don’t have anything special to offset it, and the picture changes rapidly. (Especially if you are unhooked and you aren’t a recruited athlete. :slight_smile: ) </p>

<p>The hard cold fact is that D assigns kids to what might be called “remedial writing” with a CR score of about 660, IIRC, and a quarter of the class scores 770 or above.</p>

<p>happyJane, how many did you take? If you have 2 good scores I wouldn’t think it would be a big deal, although obviously it won’t help.</p>

<p>^consolation, you’re user name is very ironic.</p>

<p>And are you guys talking about SAT reasoning test section scores, because I’m asking about subject test scores.</p>



<p>Do you want to be lied to?</p>



<p>When it comes to thresholds for the various parts of the freshman writing program, it’s SATI. </p>

<p>I asked how many SATIIs you took because it is my understanding that D only formally considers the top 2 you present.</p>

<p>i’m sorry, i didn’t see that question to me at the bottom of your post, and no you’re right, I don’t want to be lied to, lol.</p>

<p>But I only took two subject tests, and I bombed one of them. I am retaking the one I bombed though. I guess I was asking if Dartmouth used them as an admissions factor, or more for placement once accepted, and if as an admissions factor, how greatly? I think I have decent SAT reasoning test scores, and my other subject test score is solid.</p>

<p>A decent SAT CR score for the unhooked at Dartmouth would be over 750. Same for math though that would be a bit higher to be safe as the median is 740. 40% of last year’s class were ranked top 2, not two percent, in their class.</p>

<p>If you have all of the above, outstanding, top1% of my career recs and a great essay, bombing 1 SATII may be overlooked.</p>

<p>And consolation, I do think many prefer the typical “you’re in” response they get from any fellow applicant with lower stats.</p>

<p>Hmm, what about a 720 CR score, 780 Math score, and 800 Writing score to make a 2300? I know the 2300/780/800 scores are good, but my 720 in CR is worrying me a bit.
Is that going to diminish my all-around good SAT score and make it look a little paltry for Dartmouth?</p>

<p>I’d guess that 2300 is pretty good, no matter how you cut it. I got in (with a likely) on a 2320 with a spread close to the one you describe.</p>

<p>those scores are just fine, but what else do you bring to the table? What do you have to offer? I don’t think the scores will hurt you at all.</p>

<p>What do you think about ACT/SAT composite scores and grades weighed against the SAT subject test scores. Will they eliminate me (3.956 unweighed GPA and 33 ACT) because I have low subject test scores (670 Math II and 690 US History)? I think I have a pretty good resúme all around and obviously my ACT is satisfactory. What do you think about those scores?</p>