How much focus put on grades?

How much focus does GW put on grades during admissions? Specifically the Elliot school? I have fairly good grades (As with a B or two each semester) but I got a C this semester in honors algebra 2. I’m moving down to on-level because honors is hurting my gpa too much and taking time away from AP US history, but will the one C this semester hurt my chances a lot? Is the elliot school the type to throw away your application if they see any bad grades? considering it’s not history related though idk how to feel about this. I’ll be doing the IB program next year (im a sophomore) if that adds any context.
Also my school puts high school level class grades from middle school on the transcript as well, which I see as ridiculous and I doubt GW looks at them, but they to be sure, do they?

I highly doubt your application will get thrown away from just one C. As far as how much focus GW gives to grades, I’d say it’s “balanced” along with all the other parts (test scores, EC’s, letter of rec, and essay). The admissions folks always say they look at the “whole person” when deciding on admittance, so other areas can help-out a weak spot. The Elliott School is more selective than GW as a whole, so the average GPA of accepted Elliott students will be higher.

Grades from middle school? I can’t say for certain. If they’re on the transcript then I’d imagine GW would at least look at them, though I can’t say how much weight will be given.

Thank you for the reply! I’ll keep that in mine

I got in last year with a C in my algebra trig class sophomore year. It’s not a big deal. It probably won’t affect much if the rest of your application is good. My school also did the same thing with high-school level classes you took in middle school. I’d say colleges don’t really care about what you did in the 8th grade, though I can’t tell you that 100%.

Yeah, same. I got in this year ED with a C’s in Honors Precalc and Chemistry, and then a C in a community college dual enrollment Microeconomics class. My school also put grades from MS on my HS transcript, and one of those grades was a B in Algebra…!