How much of a point gain is 'normal'?

<p>I scored a 26 last year (as a sophomore) going in cold, never looking at an ACT type question. I took it again this year in December and got a 28. That time I had studied like the night before for an hour or two. </p>

<p>I am really getting nervous now. Some of my friends (who I think are dumb i.e. dont take honors or AP) are getting 30s going in cold. ***??!</p>

<p>I work fairly hard! I am looking at UPenn, ND, UIUC for engineering/business and it pains me to see kids that don't work or challenge themselves score higher than me.</p>

<p>I am set to take my last ACT in June (which kinda sucks major D because it's going to be a cluster F*** of standardized testing - ACT, AP, PSAE, Subject Tests, Finals. I'm freaking out. </p>

<p>What can I do to prep for the June ACT? I realize I am starting late as some kids start sophomore year. I NEED AT LEAST A 30! My goal is a 32. I would have signed up for tutoring but we can't afford it...</p>

<p>Is it possible for me to go from a 26 to a 32?!! How can I do it? THANKS!</p>

<p>It is possible, but not likely within 2 months. I never understand why would anyone taking the test unprepared. One should at least do a few timed practice tests to learn the format and question type. It is even more pointless to retake the test without thoroughly studying the weaker area(s). And that can never be done within 1-2 hours the night before. You should do as many practice tests as possible (from books or online). Your starting score of 26 at sophomore year was not bad at all. If you did take it more seriously and spend a couple months to prepare for the test before, you should have achieved your goal long time ago. Nevertheless, it is still not too late to catch up. Just work hard.</p>

<p>Thanks for your reply! So, practice practice practice. Sucks but if that’s what is takes then I guess I gotta suck it up.</p>

<p>Quick Q: The 2013 September ACT is September 22. If I were to take that, would it leave enough time for the December 1 application (for most schools) deadline?</p>

<p>Sept. 22- Take ACT
Oct. 20-Nov. 20 – Get results.</p>

<p>I think the Sept ACT is really late this year. That doesn’t leave much time to send to colleges and stuff! :’(</p>


There’s the problem right there. You aren’t interested in learning, and hence, it will be hard to improve.</p>

<p>There is no conflict between engineering and business. I think major in IOE would be the best fit for you. The ACT scores should be available within 4 weeks, so the September ACT should be fine even for some early action/decision deadline in early November. It is very possible to go from 28 to 32 if you work hard. My daughter went from 29 to 35 within a year of practice and scored 35 in her first real test.</p>

<p>Blahblah why do you say that because I’m interested in business that I don’t want to learn? </p>

<p>Thanks for that encouragement! I think if I work hard enough I’ll score at least a 30. We’ll see. Will UPenn and ND even look at me with a 30? Especially ND. I hear they take standardized tests into more consideration than ECs.</p>


Business/Engineering, what’s the point? Business doesn’t help with engineering. Engineering doesn’t help with business.</p>


I got rejected from ND (Notre Dame?) with a 34.</p>

<p>blahblah, check out IOE and you will see how business and engineering go together.</p>

<p>The mid 50% ACT scores for acceptance is 32-34, so your chance is slim. UIUC may be more realistic (26-31).</p>

<p>Yes ND is Notre Dame. Someone from my school was accepted with a 34 non-legacy. I guess it depends then. He did however have 5’s on every AP he took and was placed 2nd in his mathlete competition. He went for Accounting.</p>

<p>I visited and love UIUC too. Their engineering school is crazy hard to get into, though. </p>

<p>I understand when you say: “Business doesn’t help with engineering. Engineering doesn’t help with business.”
I want to work with tech start-ups or for big tech companies and take the engineer’s design and concept to make it marketable. Engineers are great at designing and innovating but half their ideas fail because they don’t know how to fundraise or present a business plan to an investor. I love computers (built one last summer) but I also love business and stocks.</p>

<p>This is the route I’ll probably end up taking.<br>
If I don’t get accepted to ND or UPenn or any other top business school. Then what’s the point? There wont be a way in hell to land a top job right out of college going up against the 2394839 other applicants from great schools.
Engineers, on the other hand, can move out to San Francisco, Silicon Valley, whatever other big tech hub and land a job within a week. The demand for engineers is way higher than that of finance/marketing/business majors.</p>

<p>Again, IOE is what you should aim for.</p>


<p>just got my results from the Illinois state ACT (its part of the PSAE aka no child left behind bs)
I am ecstatic. I am most surprised with my reading. pulled it from a 24 to a 33. dang. im good. im just so happy. thanks for your guys’ help and information!!!</p>

<p>Congrats on a job well done! I’m glad your hard work payed off!</p>