How much will being a Hispanic Asian help (or hurt)?

<p>I'm half Filipino, but many of my relatives are Hispanic and are from Spain. I'm also pretty involved in Hispanic culture. So I identify as a Hispanic Asian. For some brief background information, I have a 2400 SAT, 3.9 GPA, National Merit Finalist, full IB Diploma candidate, an international award for DECA, national awards, leadership positions, etc. etc.</p>

<p>I know being Asian can be detrimental in admissions, and being Hispanic can sometimes be a hook since it's a URM. So I was just wondering if being a Hispanic Asian is going to overall help me some in terms of gaining admission? Also, I don't look very Asian being half Filipino, so I guess I could say that I'm white. But I don't think I will since I feel like that would be a little dishonest..</p>



<p>Appearance is not a factor in how you identify, the race you designate is not based on how you look.</p>

<p>Please read the Resources sticky thread at the top of this forum, particularly the section on Hispanic Applicants and the Admissions Process. Many factors are involved in how you are evaluated, including the college you are applying to, country of origin, etc.</p>