How Much will this C hurt?

<p>I am a junior right now and i am probablly going to get a c in Honors Analysis, maybe a b, but most likely not, how bad will it hurt, especially if i redeem myself and get all a's next semester for my mid year report? Heres what i did this year</p>

<p>Junior Year</p>

<p>First Semester
AP World History A
Honors Physics B
Finance A
Health/BPE A</p>

<p>Second Semester
AP US History A
Honors Analysis C
Honors Brit Lit A
AP French B</p>

<p>so my unweighted and weighted after this semester cumulative will be a 3.4 uw and a 3.8w</p>

<p>If I get all A's in these classes next semester</p>

<p>First semester
AP Calculus
AP Government
AP Chemistry
Latin I</p>

<p>Ill have a 3.5uw and a 3.9w will that be ok for lower ivies and other top 25 with my 2290 sat? thanks alot you guys.</p>

<p>no not at all
a 3.5 is no where near ok for lower IVY's
ide say a 3.8uw is okay, a 3.9 or 3.95uw is bestfor lower ones
but that would mean ur weighted should be like 4.5+</p>

i actually think u have absolutely no chance whatsoever at lower IVY's</p>

<p>oh wait</p>

i just saw ur name
so if u r black, well then u might have a shot at lower IVY's</p>

<p>Don't sweat it. I LOVE your screen name ;)</p>

<p>Okay heres where i am applying to </p>

Boston College

<p>so what are my chances</p>

<p>Your GPA is low for those schools so out of those that I know I'd say...</p>

<p>Cornell: reach
Brown: reach
Georgetown: reach</p>