How Much Will U of Arizona Really Cost Me?

Sooo, I plan on applying to UA for next Fall. I’m an out of state student from Massachusetts hoping to enter as an English/Journalism/Creative Writing (maybe?) major. I have a 3.34 GPA weighted currently and an SAT score of 1190 but am retaking them. I’ve taken mostly honors courses and am taking an AP my senior year, plus extracurriculars and work experience, a good essay, etc. so I am almost certain that I will earn acceptance. However, I’m worried about the cost and what I will need to do to make UA a reality for me. I am assuming my low-income parents won’t be much help, so mostly I’ll be relying on aid, grants, scholarships, and loans plus I will be working while in school. If it helps, I am a first generation student. What kind of financial help am I eligible for? Will I be able to take out the loans to pay for my education? Beyond that, it’s my dream to join a sorority which I am aware is even extra cost though I’m hoping I will be able to work to pay for that. I am aware that it will be difficult, but I am willing to work my butt of to achieve it. However, I guess I want to know if I’m being unrealistic. As I’ve said before, no one else in my family has gone through this so I don’t have many people in my life to lean on for questions. Is education, money, and a social life too much to ask for in regards to my current situation? What do I need to do? Thanks!

Here is the cost of attendance for OOS students for 2017-2018.

The only guaranteed aid you will receive is a $5500 student loan.

If your family is VERY low income, you might qualify for a portion of the Pell Grant…but your income would need to be low. Is it?

University of Arizona does not guarantee to meet full need for all students. And they don’t. Their first mission is to provide funding to the instate residents whose parents pay taxes.

If you could get your SAT WAYYYYY up, you might get some merit aid. But even that isn’t guaranteed.

How much can your parents pay each year for you to attend college?

ETA…any loans above that $5500 Direct Loan will require either a cosigner…or your parents will need to take those loans. That could end up being a LOT of debt.

And the max Pell Grant is $5900 so even that and the Direct Loan would leave you with a little less than a $40,000 balance to pay.

This will not likely be affordable in any way. OOS flagships are very expensive. Massachusetts has some of the best colleges. Please have a great financial safety.@NEPatsGirl

Not to get into personal details… but I will anyway. My mom was a waitress but just quit her job and is now planning on getting another waitressing job while going back to school herself (long story and I don’t get it either???) so I can expect no money from her. Her permanent boyfriend whom we live with currently makes a heck of a lot of money but the discussion of college has not come up so I don’t know if he is willing to contribute or how much. My dad is an electrician who I am pretty sure makes a lot of money but constantly denies that so he would be able to contribute more money than he’s willing to admit (possibly I can butter him up?) I’m pretty certain that my dad’s income doesn’t matter for me when applying because my mom has custody. Or does it matter? My dad runs his own business and gets paid in cash and hasn’t even done his taxes in three years so nobody actually knows how much he makes. So there’s that. Other somewhat distant family members have been very generous in the past and may even be able to help as well. Honestly not quite sure what I’m looking at.

What local options do you have? Have you looked at your local CC/4yr transfer potential?
your weighted GPA is 3,34, what is your UW?

What part about OOS schools enormous costs are difficult for you to grasp?

Your Mom doesn’t make enough to support you, so she probably won’t qualify for any loans.
They will charge huge amounts of money to you. Massachusetts has great schools.

Do your parents have $40K per year to fund you?

Not to get into personal details… but I will anyway. My mom was a waitress but just quit her job and is now planning on getting another waitressing job while going back to school herself (long story and I don’t get it either???) so I can expect no money from her. Her permanent boyfriend whom we live with currently makes a heck of a lot of money but the discussion of college has not come up so I don’t know if he is willing to contribute or how much. My dad is an electrician who I am pretty sure makes a lot of money but constantly denies that so he would be able to contribute more money than he’s willing to admit (possibly I can butter him up?) I’m pretty certain that my dad’s income doesn’t matter for me when applying because my mom has custody. Or does it matter? My dad runs his own business and gets paid in cash and hasn’t even done his taxes in three years so nobody actually knows how much he makes. So there’s that. Honestly not quite sure what I’m looking at.

Not to get into personal details… but I will anyway. My mom was a waitress but just quit her job and is now planning on getting another waitressing job while going back to school herself (long story and I don’t get it either???) so I can expect no money from her. Her permanent boyfriend whom we live with currently makes a heck of a lot of money but the discussion of college has not come up so I don’t know if he is willing to contribute or how much. My dad is an electrician who I am pretty sure makes a lot of money but constantly denies that so he would be able to contribute more money than he’s willing to admit (possibly I can butter him up?) I’m pretty certain that my dad’s income doesn’t matter for me when applying because my mom has custody. Or does it matter? My dad runs his own business and gets paid in cash and hasn’t even done his taxes in three years so nobody actually knows how much he makes. So there’s that. Honestly not quite sure what I’m looking at.

Your mom doesn’t have the resources to pay $40,000 a year…or maybe more…for you to attend an OOS public university. I mean really…does she HAVE $40,000 a year to spend on your college costs?

Even IF you can get loans…you would be looking at $140,000 minimally in loans for four years…which is WAY TOO MUCH for loans for an undergrad college education.

Go visit Arizona on a vacation, or try tomget a summer job there…or something beside attend college there.

This school is going to be expensive for you to attend…so broaden your list and look at more affordable options.

Perhaps University of New Mexico would work…

@WayOutWestMom does she have the stats for the Amigo scholarship?

You live with your mother, so she will be the person who needs to file the FAFSA with you. If her income does not appear to be enough to support both of you, then your FAFSA will be flagged for verification, and she might need to be able to show that her boyfriend is covering everyone’s living costs.

You don’t live with your dad, so his income isn’t a factor for the FAFSA. If you apply anywhere that uses a different means for calculating need, then it is quite possible that his numbers will be required. Your best option is to only apply to places that only require the FAFSA.

Sit down with your dad, and find out what he can commit to paying. Nothing? Something? Even if it is just $100, that means you can pay for some of the cost of your textbooks. Talk with your mom and the boyfriend. What can they commit to paying. Nothing? Something? Can you live with them for free while commuting to a local community college or 4-year institution?

Where have students from your high school with your probably major, test scores, and GPA been admitted recently? Find that out from your guidance counselor. Some of those places are likely to be more affordable for you.

I would say that you’re being unrealistic. As others have said, UA is not going to provide aid (beyond the federal loans/Pell if applicable and maybe some small amount of merit). What makes the University of Arizona better than your in-state choices?

It is time to give up the OOS dream and get real: UMass Lowell or UMass Dartmouth.

^Agree, sorry to burst your bubble, but your stats won’t get you ANY merit money. You are not even close to the stats needed.

@thumper1 listed the cost of attendance for you.

The best financial aid is given by the universities and they get their money from their states and a very small portion from their alumni. Because you are OOS, you don’t qualify for that aid.
**GRANTS[/B ] If you qualify as low income, you will receive a Pell Grant maximum of $5815 for the year. That is split into two semesters.
SCHOLARSHIPS Limited to non-existent because of SAT score and GPA. $0
LOANS You can take out $5500 per year. You will be required to repay this amount with interest. That is $2750 per semester.

TOTAL COST OF ATTENDANCE= (courtesy @thumper1) $51,417
DIFFERENCE OWED by @janem75 for year one: $40,102.

Ask Daddy or Stepdad for a check or CC. The universities do accept either.

RE: post #8

No, the OP’s GPA and SAT is too low to qualify for the Amigo which requires either a 3.5 GPA/ 1130 SAT OR 3.0GPA/1260 SAT

The OP would qualify for the LUE Plus program (3.0GPA/1100SAT) which would give in-state tuition rates.

[UNM Scholarships](

UNM COA for 2017-18
(Instate rates listed)

Tuition & fees $7146.00
Room & Board (traditional dorm) $9662.00

Total= $16,808

Plus transportation (2 RT plane tickets Boston-ABQ will run around $1000-$1400)

BTW, UNM has a new initiative. Any student who completes their baccalaureate and graduates in 4 years (without summer sessions) gets free tuition for their 8th semester. 

(Students get a grant equal to their 8th semester tuition once they file an application for graduation.  If the student fails to graduate for any reason, the university will revoke the grant and bill the student for the tuition balance.) 

[Aim</a> to Achieve](<a href="">

This program is open to in-state and OOS students

As a parent, when applying for FAFSA my EFC (expected family contribution was 0) and was eligible for the Pell Grant (Free) of like 5900?? and the Student Loan of like $6500?? and the school met the rest of the need with loans totaling over 40k that I could apply for. My child ended up getting the bottom school merit aid of $6k…and the sorority was close to $5k for the year (which included meals so we did not get a meal plan, only did the $500 cafeteria plan) which after two months she is out of since she can only eat dinner at the sorority. She has class during lunch time

and the school later asked for her non custodial parent’s income documentation…p.s. to the person who said your stats are too low, my child had almost those exact stats and got the $6k merit money still.

I recommend investigating Posse and questbridge scholarships. You are a junior, so you have time to be nominated and see if there is an appropriate match. The programs are intended to help students who might otherwise be overlooked, especially first generation college goers. Not sure if your area matches to Arizona but might match somewhere else warm.