UW: 3.7ish (out of 4)
W: 4.576ish (out of 5)
(I'm not 100% sure what it is because my current school only calculates GPA for grades earned at that school and I've only been there for junior year. In freshman and sophomore year, I got all A's and B's, junior year I got mostly A's with a few B's, and so far senior year I've gotten mostly B's with some A's)</p>
<p>EC's I listed on the common app:
Ballet (17hrs a week, 2 performances a year)
Pre-professional ballet company (9hrs a week, several charity performances a year)
French club
cinema club
founder of a baking club that brings free treats to school every Tuesday
work experience at a local gelateria
internship at a start-up maritime security company
science and societies club</p>
High honor roll
honor roll
Summa Cum Laude on National Latin Exam
Editor of my school's Humanities Online Course Publication</p>
2 excellent, one good
GC one should be good</p>
<p>Now here's my school list:
<p>I know I have low chances at the Ivies, I'm really only applying because my mom overestimates my abilities and is making me. What about the others? (my more realistic dream school here is NYU...my real dream school is Yale but I think that would take a miracle)</p>
<p>I forgot to add my classes so here they are:</p>
<p>Freshman–all honors classes with the exception of math…my school had this weird system where there was a math class between grade level and honors, and I was in that class</p>
<p>Sophomore–all honors (except math again) and ap world history (I got a 5). I also did ap french as a self-study and got a 5</p>
<p>Junior year I moves to Athens, Greece–two honors classes and five IB classes (an Spanish, math studies, hl economics, hl English, hl bio)</p>
<p>Senior–same as junior</p>
<p>For sat subject tests I got 800 in french with listening and 740 in world history</p>
<p>Ridiculously low. Nah I’m kidding. You could get in to all the schools outside of the ivies including NYU! as long as you don’t apply to Stern I think you’ll be fine. Though an improved SAT score would work wonders.</p>
<p>You have a chance at all of them. I would say your chances at the top schools are at least a few percent, which is pretty good considering that the top ivies have an acceptance rate of around 5%.</p>
<p>Yale - high reach
UPenn - reach
Columbia - high reach
Barnard - reach
NYU - match
Colby - match
Franklin&Marshall - low match
BU - low match</p>
<p>Completely agree with what everybody has said. Try and increase your SAT (if you have time to take another test), where you stand now the ivies will all be reaches and the rest of your list you have a good shot at.</p>
<p>Thanks guys that’s really encouraging!
I’m a bit concerned about my apparent lack of safeties though…does anyone have any suggestions? (:
Thanks again so much!!</p>
<p>UMaryland at College Park and Fordham in NYC could be safeties for you, maybe? GMU and American could also work if you like DC. Northeastern in Boston also, and UMass - Amherst.</p>
<p>Also, I agree that you at least have a shot at the Ivies. It probably won’t happen (which applies to the vast majority of people), but it could if you’re luckily. I feel like you have strong chances at NYU, Colby, Barnard, and BU, though! Not familiar enough with Franklin&Marshall to say.</p>
<p>lets see, your sat is somewhat low but its not that bad, ok gpa for those universities, good ECs and awards.
i think you should try to raise your sat scores or maybe take the act or sat subject tests to have a chance at the ivies. as of right now i think your chances for ivies are low, for the rest you have matches or very slight reaches. Just keep your gpa up and maybe retake sat</p>
<p>Yale - Reach (but it’s a reach for everyone)
UPenn - Same with Yale, maybe a low reach
Columbia - Same with Penn
Barnard - High Match/Low reach… not too familiar with this school’s admissions
NYU - Low Match / Match
Colby - Low Match / Match
Franklin&Marshall - ?
BU - Safety / Low Match</p>
<p>Thanks everyone!!! I was ridiculously worried that I wasn’t going to get in anywhere so your feedback has definitely been very comforting!!
Simonferro I’m on my way to chance you back!!! If anyone else would like me to chance them please leave a link.
Thanks again to everyone!!!</p>
<p>I was also thinking of applying to William and Mary (I’m out of state by the way) but only to their joint program with St. Andrews in Scotland…any opinions on my chances there?</p>
<p>The ivies will certainly be reaches. NYU Barnard and Colby should be matches if your scores hold good, and F&M and BU are safeties, you could get money for those. I don’t know much about William and Mary program</p>
<p>Wassup Deblerg? Chancing you back. NYU is pretty solid, but also depends on what school of NYU you are applying if it is Stern i think the math score could use some help but you are still extremely qualified. Colby should be happy to see your reading and writing SAT scores and thus i think you got a good chance. Upenn, is a low reach, however with good essays I believe you should do fine. Yale, and Columbia as you know are high reaches (however if you get into Barnard you should be fine as you will be able to take courses at Columbia).</p>