How screwed am I?

<p>I might end up with a D in AP Biology unless I get an A- or higher on the upcoming final and I want to brace myself for the worst case scenario. I talked to my counselor and she told me if I retook the class at the local community college over the summer, the grade I received there would replace my D on my high school transcript and therefore GPA, but colleges would still see that I accrued a D the first time I took the course. My other grades are all A's (three of those A's are in AP/Honors classes) with the exception of Honors Math, which is a B. I have a 2260 SAT score and a slew of EC's, but I'm almost suicidally worried about this D in Bio killing my chances at Northwestern, my dream school. I really want nothing to do with Bio in college -- I'm planning on majoring in journalism -- so will the D (assuming I end up with it) hurt me that much? Thanks.</p>

<p>How can retaking the class over the summer replace your GPA?
I view that as a little unfair… But that’s just me.</p>

<p>Anyways, are you a senior or a junior?</p>

<p>Junior. And the replacing thing is what my counselor said, so I’m assuming it’s accurate info.</p>

<p>Why don’t you try to get that A- on the final?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say ruined chances then. Apply ED and do the community college class… If you don’t make an A-, which you should try for.</p>

<p>I still don’t know how that’ll replace GPA, but I guess different schools, different rules.</p>

<p>Why doesn’t everyone just take community college classes then?</p>

<p>Yeah, I was skeptical too, but she assured me that my high school GPA would reflect whatever grade I accrued in the community college class, but universities I applied to would still be able to see the ‘D’ and I guess they could make the decision to calculate it into whatever GPA they devise. Whatever, I’m studying my ass off to try and get the A- on the final and save myself this headache. Thanks for the advice/encouragement.</p>

<p>Good luck, I’ve got my bio final today.</p>

<p>i have no idea how colleges will view that D, but I can guarentee that they would love the iniative you would take to retake the class over the summer, and make sure you do substantially better. That kind of dedication and motivation to do better certainly can’t hurt you.</p>

<p>Why are you even taking AP Bio if you want to go into journalism? You don’t need to take every AP class known to man, especially those that don’t pertain to your prospective college major.</p>

<p>I’m a math/science person and I hate bio xD
A D is definitely not good… but you still have the rest of the year to make up for it right?
anyway, you’re still a junior. no need to stress too much. just keep up with your mostly A’s and you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Yeah, I definitely made a mistake taking the class and it might be the biggest regret of my life at the moment.</p>

<p>I had a friend who was in a similar position as you. D in AP biology first semester; then, dropped to regular for second and I have no idea what she pulled off.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, she didn’t get in ED to Northwestern, but her dean told her she had a 50/50 shot. Then again, you have a much higher SAT score and, as I can imagine, a higher GPA.</p>

<p>So it might not be too bad.</p>

<p>Another friend of mine got in Medill ED this year–similar SATs. She wasn’t particularly good at math and science courses so had to afford a B in several classes (I believe a C in Precalc also although I’m not sure if that’s accurate). But, her journalism credentials were stellar.</p>

<p>Just keep working hard, I guess. As long as journalism is really there for you, you should be fine.</p>