How should I describe my background?

<p>My father was born and raised in Colombia. His family is pretty indigenous. My mother is from the Midwest and is of Western European descent. So, I'm Hispanic and White, but how should I describe my background on the common application? The options are Europe, Middle East, and Other. If you select Other, you have to specify. What most accurately describes me?</p>



<p>Do you have an idea of your father’s racial background? Do you think he is part Amerindian and part white (European)?</p>

<p>Since the CA AI/AN category includes Original Peoples of the Americas, you could mark that and white (European) if it fits. While this might best describe you, you shouldn’t expect to get the typical AI/AN advantage as this category is primarily aimed at N. American tribal members.</p>

<p>So would a common app school count an individiual from a non N. American tribe in their diversity numbers for Native American if they were admitted to the school?</p>

<p>First and foremost, remember that responding to this question is optional. You are not required to respond to the race/ethnicity question. If you choose to respond, you should check the boxes that best represent how you view yourself. Don’t try to over-think or over-analyze the question. First decide if you want to answer it, and then check the boxes that best represent how you view yourself.</p>

<p>bublubu, </p>

<p>I have no idea, and it may vary by the school.</p>

<p>Tilapia, </p>

<p>Race and ethnicity are often misunderstood concepts for many people, even many HS GCs don’t understand the difference between the two. Here on the Hispanic student forum members are free to ask and discuss about these terms and then determine what they want to mark or not mark based on their own personal determination.</p>

<p>I for one don’t consider being well informed and knowledgeable the same as over thinking or over analyzing.</p>

<p>p.s. Lest there be any question concerning the range of misconceptions about how race and ethnicity are defined for college admissions, people should take a look at the many questions on the Definition sticky thread.</p>

<p>By indigenous I just mean that his family can not easily be traced back to Europe. Generation after generation was born in Colombia. I’m sure I have Native American blood on both sides of my family, but not enough so that I would feel comfortable putting it on a college application. I was thinking maybe Anglo-Latina (does that even exist…) or maybe Bicultural? I just don’t feel like “European” accurately describes my background.</p>

<p>You need to read the first post of the Definition sticky thread at the top of this forum as you don’t completely understand the concepts of ethnicity and race and are mixing the two up.</p>

<p>There are 2 categories you can mark:</p>

<p>First is Hispanic, yes or no. If you mark yes, you will be asked for area/country of origin, you would put South America.</p>

<p>Next is Race, which is completely separate from ethnicity, Hispanics can be of any race(s). You mark all that apply. </p>

<p>Ethnicity is a social concept, it is passed on culturally, while race is a biological concept and is passed on by descent. See these definitions:</p>

<p>[Concepts</a> of Diversity](<a href=“]Concepts”></p>

<p>So, saying you are racially white (European) simply says that your biological ancestors are European in origin, not that you culturally relate to your European ancestry. This describes what you have stated about your mother’s side, you will have to determine if your father’s side is the same or different.</p>

<p>I am new to this site. Can you please tell me where to find the first post of the Definition sticky thread you refer to?</p>