How should I handle this issue with University Housing?

<p>So my housing contract due date was almost 2 weeks ago, and I sent it in on the day it was due. I got an e-mail a few days later after that from one of the Student Services Coordinator confirming receipt of my contract and wanted to clarify a few things. But that was a week ago and although she said she turned it in for processing I still haven't gotten an e-mail letting me log onto the Housing portal.</p>

<p>I e-mailed her yesterday and she said she was going to make sure that it was processed, I'm tempted to e-mail her again to see if there was any progress, should I wait a few more days or go ahead and e-mail?</p>

<p>p.s. I tried contacting Housing Services but so far they haven't responded to my e-mails as well.</p>

<p>Call Housing Services.</p>

<p>Agree, just give them a call. My D app was not turned in on time so we just stopped there yesterday (we were there for admissions day) and got it all sorted out, but the time we were home she was able to login and rate her selections. Not sure she got an email, but was able to login to housing and get it done.</p>

<p>Well, I just found out that somehow there was an error in processing my contract, and I have to resend everything.</p>

<p>This is kind of ridiculous and makes me NOT want to resend the stuff again in case they lose it again. Nor does it make me want to live in the residence halls…</p>

<p>Life will bring even tougher problems. Maybe you should have made copies.</p>



<p>How would that have helped me? Yeah I made copies, duh, but that wouldn’t have helped with the lousy people at Housing anyway.</p>

<p>UW Housing was by far one of the most difficult departments I’ve worked with during my time here. Glad I moved out after freshman year. You do have choices, though, and there’s a reason why people choose them. Get used to bureaucracy at any school. Just happens that housing’s is especially bad.</p>

<p>Because you just FAX the copies in and life goes on. Is that really the biggest problem in your life? Tempest–meet teapot. My home insurer did not get the payment from my escrow account and was ready to cancel my insurance so I had to call the lender and have them send a check FEDex. A small problem that was not my fault but it was handled in a couple phone calls and I did not see a reason to make a post about it or give it much thought because I actually have bigger fish to fry. Your “problem” sounds tiny and not worth getting bent out of shape over IMHO. Hopefully the rest of your life goes perfectly and this is your moment in the wilderness.</p>

<p>I wasn’t bent out of shape over it, you were the one gettingi riled up over nothing.</p>

<p>I took care of the issue anyway, no help from anyone here I’m sure…</p>

<p>Considering that thousands of transactions occur it is unsurprising there was a glitch for someone. Expect more glitches along the way in every aspect of your life. Should my son get mad at his apt management of 1 1/2 years because he got a notice saying his rent was overdue when we knew it was paid months in advance? Someone goofed in their office and sent the notice to the wrong apt- error corrected (and we found our proof of payment) with his phone call.</p>

<p>You could have saved frustration by calling Res Halls in the first place. Be nice to people and you will get the best service- on CC and elsewhere.</p>