How similar is Cornell to Hogwarts?

<p>gotcha, texas :slight_smile:
did you know the biggest ranch over in texas is as big as rhode island? wow</p>

<p>For one thing, Hogwarts does not have a cavernous assembly hall like the one under Bebe Lake which is accessed by the entrance behind the falls. </p>

<p>BTW, the right turn at the bottom of the stairs connects with the minor catacombs that eventually lead to the large passages under Willard Straight and Libe Slope.</p>

<p>Hmm I always thought Yale was Hogwarts.</p>

<p>Har, StitchInTime you should start a secret/hidden locations thread. Everybody tosses them out at random, but I don’t think i’ve ever seen a thread for it in the past.</p>

<p>thats a great idea! id love to know all the secrets ;)</p>

<p>yeah if you like Hogwarts, go to Yale. if you like pretty outdoors and waterfalls, go to cornell</p>

<p>No, if you want to go to Hogwarts, go to Oxford, as that is where the Great Hall is :)</p>

<p>If I’d known Cornell was like Hogwarts, I would have applied. Drat.</p>

<p>I mean, if you REALLLLLY want to select a school based on how much it looks like the idea of an older institution that Harry Potter mimics for the sake of advancing a ho-hum plot:</p>

<p>Go with Yale/Oxford/Cambridge.</p>

<p>Cornell has some awesome architecture too though; the majority…well…no…SOME of the buildings are just awesome: </p>

<p>Mennen, Lyon, Baker (The Gothics)</p>

<p>Willard Straight/The Bailey(to a degree)</p>

<p>The A.D. White Library in Uris.</p>

<p>Uris library</p>

<p>Cornell Law School Building</p>

<p>Annabel Taylor…non denominational church thingy</p>

<p>Risley </p>

<p>And uh…yeah…That’s about it for buildings.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, a lot of the buildings are just stupid: Google map Mary Donlon.</p>

<p>Actually…North Campus in general is just filled with stupid buildings. Part of the dining hall in Appel is this giant (and horrendously shiny when you walk up the slope to get to it on some mornings) metal wedge that sticks out at a weird angle from the building.</p>

<p>So, uh, yeah…</p>

<p>Ho-hum plot? Harry Potter’s plot is anything BUT ho-hum.
I mean, the kid gets attacked by a venomous plant in the first book.
And comes back from the “dead” in the seventh.</p>

<p>And to the poster who said that me posting on this thread was perfect, kudos.
Friends + Harry Potter= epic win</p>

<p>Go harry potter</p>

<p>actually…rice would be more similar to hogwarts than cornell if you consider their undergraduate residential colleges…</p>


<p>Yale’s residential colleges would then beat Rice…</p>

<p>@Harry Potter fans everywhere:</p>

<p>Harry is stuck in the Dursley’s home, and that sucks. Weird event…huh. Goes to school, somewhat normal, little bit of character development that seems to be nothing more than a MacGuffin. LARGE EVENT!!! RELATED TO THE EVIL GUY!!! … BAD THINGS!..Initial character development actually a subplot related to BAD THING!!!
All the while, Harry feels conflicted about the BAD THING! and his relationships are tested…the problem with THE EVIL GUY is temporarily resolved, albeit with the occurrence of some arguably inevitable/lesser Bad Things! </p>

<p>Harry is ‘debriefed’ by Dumbledore/other characters,depending upon the number of the book (spanning 1 through 7!)</p>

<p>All the while, little novelty plot gimmicks involving the hilarity/awesomeness of magical stuff is thrown at the reader to distract from the emptiness of the plot.</p>

<p>End of book.</p>

<p>Sound familiar?</p>

<p><3 me some macguffins…w/e happened to that suitcase in rear window? LOL!</p>

<p>lol collegehopeful…looks like someone didn’t pick up a copy of book 7! they are amusing though, if a bit formulaic. hey, most good tv shows are formulaic but they’re still good…ever seen House? lemme guess you hate that too :D</p>

<p>there are too many shows on tv to watch! if i were you guys i’d catch up on all these shows NOW so you wont feel distracted during your first year there! </p>

<p>also…hurry up with wow leveling up and stockpiling so it wont eat up your time either (wow is the #1 reason for college drop outs)</p>


<p>I mean seriously, the malpractice cases he would face alone would put him behind bars.</p>

<p>Urgh! Why don’t they just go to the third diagnosis they can think of every time?</p>

<p>And let’s not talk about WoW/DotA/Starcraft/anything on Steam before I relapse.</p>

<p>Those are hard drugs to kick…I can almost see myself going and dowloading hamachi right now…</p>

<p>hey what about aoe on hamachi? :P</p>

<p>I have legitimate copies of Empires, so I don’t use that for it. heh.</p>

<p>Oh also, I recommend everyone goes and torrents the entire Half life series.
I just rediscovered Portal yesterday…So good.</p>

<p>And just because I’m in the mood check this band out:</p>

<p>This- [YouTube</a> - Gettysburg - Ratatat](<a href=“]YouTube”>
and this - [YouTube</a> - Ratatat - Allure feat. Jay Z and Notorious B.I.G](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>i meant AOE 1</p>