How similar is Cornell to Hogwarts?

<p>lols collegehopeful…shame you can’t just relax and enjoy House and Harry Potter for what they are…good entertainment. and btw, the acting on House is amazing, you can’t deny that. hugh laurie is just awesome…I can’t believe he’s british in real life! also, hugh laurie went to Cambridge, which kinda looks like Hogwarts.</p>

<p>All old colleges have some elements of hogwarts. Hell, you can even go to an old gothic cathedral, and that’ll look like Hogwarts. I just hope that you aren’t expecting paintings to talk to you and staircases to move. Although there are some rather interesting scientific phenomena that do occur at Cornell.</p>

<p>The acting on house is not all that amazing. The show has really gone down hill the past couple seasons to the point I quit watching it (the whole subplot with the cop out to get him was dreadful!). It has nothing on shows like dexter, curb your enthusiasm, the wire, the sopranos, true blood, brotherhood, big love, etc… HBO and Showtime FTW! USA has some good shows too though (psych is hilarious). Hopefully my tv addiction won’t get the best of me next semester.</p>

<p>I’ve never played aoe1 on Hamachi…</p>

<p>I have it, but I don’t think I’ve touched it in years. (Actually…a DECADE now that it’s 2009!)</p>

<p>Which is something I’m correcting as I type.</p>

<p>The only thing that keeps me watching House is Hugh Laurie, and to tell you the truth, watching old eps of a Bit of Fry and Laurie is waaaay better.</p>

<p>I think we’ve officially gone “off topic”"</p>

<p>Doesn’t Yale have something sort of like a “house” system? (HP, not the MD haha).</p>

<p>Idk, google Boston College in images, several of the old buildings make me thing hogwarts</p>

<p>off topic Fry and Laurie talk: if you don’t follow Stephen Fry on twitter you’re really missing out. he’s very funny even in the <140 char medium.</p>

<p>on topic: I think Balch is kind of nice-looking on north. not really HP style but photogenic.</p>

<p>Yale = Hogwarts.</p>

<p>What distinguishes it from the rest of the castle-like edifices?</p>

<p>It has a big bell tower that occasionally plays the Harry Potter theme.</p>

<p>No lie.</p>

<p>in order to settle this debate, please list the three colleges most aesthetically similar to hogwarts, in your respective opinions.</p>

<p>if you want</p>

<p>i personally agree that uchicago is the winner</p>

<li>Oxford University</li>
<li>Cambridge University</li>
<li>University of Chicago</li>

<p>Balch is nice…And impossible to live in during the regular year if you have a p e n i s. (heh, what now ye filtering script!)</p>

<p>Damn sexist Cornell policies.</p>

<p>Annabel Taylor, Balch, Risely, Willard Straight, the Gothics are my favorite buildings on campus. </p>

<p>Especially Willard Straight’s lobby.</p>

<p>I’m glad Rice has been mentioned in this discussion. Read below and make up your mind for yourself. Here are some anonymous excerpts about the pervasive residential college system at Rice:</p>

<p>"At Rice, fraternities and sororities are forbidden on campus. However, their functions are assumed by the 8 residential ‘colleges’. These include Will Rice, Sid Richardson, Jones, Brown, Lovett, Hanszen, Weiss, and Baker Each residential ‘college’ houses about 200 students. When a student enters Rice, they are assigned randomly to a ‘college’. All students live in this for their entire 4 years at Rice. Each has its own dorm. They have their own “serveries” (cafeterias). Each has its own personality. Your social life generally revolves around your college/dorm. You will eventually meet people from other colleges. You get to know everyone in yours very well. If you have a personal problem, you are allowed to change to a different one. Each college/dorm competes against others in intercollegiate athletics. Each has a group of “associates”. These people are faculty, staff, professors, and community members who want to be affiliated with your college. They come and eat lunch with the students all the time, and they also are involved in campus activities, such as intramural sports. Each college has its own government: President, Vice President, etc.</p>

<p>Parties take place on Fridays and Saturdays in at least 1 or 2 of the colleges on campus. This makes for a good social scene as you can go around campus and meet new people at different parties. It is also fun to put on parties at your college. There is a fair amount of drinking, though no one feels obliged to drink.</p>

<p>Nearly every college at Rice produces its own shows every year, funded by its own college government. Some programs have stronger traditions than others – Shakespeare and musicals are perennial favorites. Because there are, in effect, 8 separate “production companies” (not counting the campus-wide, and more highbrow, Rice Players), there is nearly always something theater-related going on. In a typical year, 10 to 20 shows will run on campus. In most cases, total novices stand a good shot of landing choice roles. Students run ‘everything’, from casting and directing to acting and singing to designing and hammering to postering. The good shows enjoy huge audience turnouts, extended runs, and effusive praise from the campus; even the not-so-good ones are well supported.</p>

<p>The buildings on campus are beautiful as well, with almost no exceptions. The architecture is enhanced by the landscaping, which is lush and green. The myth goes that there are more trees on campus than students, but that actually is true. There are a good number of open spaces (“green space” as we like to call it), and the groundskeepers work hard to keep everything beautiful."</p>

<li>Texas is filled with cowboys on ranches? On behalf of the glorious hippie city of Austin, I take offense and challenge you to a duel with pistols.</li>
<li>Harry Potter is most assuredly NOT ho-hum. It is the light. Go into it.</li>

<li>Texas spelled backwards is Saxet.</li>
<li>Harvard spelled backwards is Dravrah</li>
<li>Massachusetts spelled backwards is Sttesuhcassam</li>
<li>I believe we have a winner :D</li>

<p>Sorry for being off-topic, but I couldn’t resist.</p>

<li><p>Laredo counters any of the niceness in Austin.</p></li>
<li><p>Harry Potter is ho-hum.</p></li>

<li><p>Counters? Laredo is Laredo and Austin is Austin.</p></li>
<li><p>You’re ho-hum.</p></li>



<p>Oh boy. :O</p>

<li><p>Laredo, TX is the worst place in Texas, ever…all the goodness that Austin brings to the state of Texas, Laredo takes away with a vengeance. </p></li>
<li><p>I have recently been renamed (second year in a row) “Best at Ear Nibbling and Cuddling and Listening when I’m feeling down” by a special someone, so any comments on my ho-humness are just going to roll right off.</p></li>

<p>“Best at Ear Nibbling and Cuddling and Listening when I’m feeling down”</p>

<p>lol I’m awestruck, wondering how much of an actual compliment that is.</p>

<p>I guess it depends on context. From Grandma? dunno so much. From someone good looking? lol I guess.</p>

<p>From girlfriend…and I would say the context is in my favor.</p>

<p>Cornell does not sport a homogenous gothic style architecture. There are a few nice looking buildings, like the ones mentioned, as well as those in the arts quad, which i’ve heard will be rebuilt into more modern style stuff soon- don’t know how true this is but that would suck… the rest of the campus is full of nasty looking buildings that do not have any sort of theme. i vomit every time i pass uris or bradley hall, or any other buildings on east ave. baker and rockefeller are ok, but nothing special. in short, cornell is not hogwarts by any means. if you’re looking for that, go to Uchicago, that place is pretty cool looking.</p>