How similar is Cornell to Hogwarts?



<p>Not true at all. The only modern addition to the Arts Quad will be Milstein Hall, which will be on the opposite side of Sibley.</p>



<p>One person’s nasty is another person’s cup of tea. Cornell has always chosen to build its buildings in the architectural style of the day. Think of the campus as an architecture museum. Where else does 19th century baroque meet 1960s modernist, 1920’s collegiate Gothic, and 21st century minimalist?</p>

<p>Would you want our entire campus to be built in the style that Frank Lloyd Wright so poignantly called “■■■■■■■ Gothic”?</p>



<p>In a nutshell. Hook 'em! \m/</p>

<p>cayuga- </p>

<p>good to know theyre not messing with what’s already in the arts quad.</p>

<p>also, i’d be hard pressed to find someone who finds buildings such as uris or bradley or morrison or kennedy or malott or comstock… etc etc etc aesthetically pleasing, regardless of their roles as tokens of their days’ style(s). personally i find them bland and rather revolting- though this is only my opinion, obviously, and i am no expert.</p>